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Solidus (Publishers)

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Address:Contact via e-mail only.

  Web site : http://www.soliduspress.com/
Email : info@soliduspress.com

  Read the WriteWords interview with Solidus (Publishers)

Keywords associated with this entry :
fiction, literary, general.

Recommended Method of Approach:
Phone Call Letter Synopsis Sample Chapters Full text SAE

Useful Information :
'Solidus is a small, independent publishing house. We use new technologies to help us to meet our goals of being able to publish work that we believe is of high quality and to give our authors an opportunity to reach their audience. Solidus was started by a small group of authors, and we have our writers' interests at heart.

We specialise in publishing the work of established authors who want to make a break from their usual subjects, or to experiment with different ways of writing. Many writers find that traditional publishers require them to repeat earlier success and write within the narrow confines of accepted genres. We want to encourage writers to follow their own paths and to allow them to reach readers who may not have met their work before.

Our list is diverse - in general we wish to publish literary fiction, but we are interested in all high quality fiction. We do not publish poetry or non-fiction.'

October 2012: 'Please note: Solidus regrets to say that at present we are unable to accept submissions from new authors.'

Oct 2014 - We regret that Solidus no longer accepts work for publication and has no books in active publication.'

Pageviews: 4102

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Last checked: 12/10/2017

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