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Flambard Press (Publishers)

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Address:Stable Cottage,
East Fourstones,
NE47 5DX
01434 674360
Fax 01434 674178

  Web site : http://www.flambardpress.co.uk/
Email : Not available

Interviews with authors published/represented by Flambard Press (Publishers)
John Murray

Keywords associated with this entry :
fiction, literary, crime, mystery, suspense, historical, short, stories, experimental, translations, poetry.

Recommended Method of Approach:
Phone Call Letter Synopsis Sample Chapters Full text SAE

Useful Information :
'Flambard was an independent press which published an acclaimed range of poetry and fiction, as well as some non-fiction and visual-art books. Established in 1990, Flambard nurtured new and neglected writers and promoted live literature. While especially supportive of writers from the North East and Cumbria, the press also published authors from across the UK and overseas. Flambard was supported by Arts Council England until 2012, when the Independent on Sunday wrote that ‘Over the 22 years of its existence, Flambard has grown into one of the finest small publishers in the UK’

Feb 2018 - website now devoted to 'moving tips'

Pageviews: 21594

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Last checked: 28/02/2018

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