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Drip Action Theatre Company

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Address:13 King Street,
West Sussex,
BN18 9BJ
01903 885250
  Web site : http://www.dripaction.co.uk
Email : dripactioninfo@btinternet.com

Keywords associated with this entry :
theatre, competitions, play, writing

Useful Information :
'Founded in 1987 by Bill Brennan and Chris Warren-Adamson, Drip Action Theatre Company takes as its remit the production of new and lesser known work, often plays from Europe and USA, in an intimate space, and has to date staged well over 200 productions.

Home productions are performed in its studio theatre at The Victoria Club in Arundel, West Sussex, and, at midsummer, in the atmospheric Chapel Barn in South Stoke.'

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Last checked: 22/09/2017

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