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Full Circle Theatre Company

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Address:16 Hagden Lane,
WD18 0HE
01923 499 549

Alternative e-mail: saiyada@fullcircletheatre.co.uk

  Web site : http://www.fullcircletheatre.co.uk
Email : scripts@fullcircletheatre.co.uk

Keywords associated with this entry :
theatre, short, plays, one-act, plays, new, writing, humour, drama, fantasy, comedy, thrillers, monologues, fringe, sketches, farces, duologues

Useful Information :
'At the heart of the company’s work is its core concept of creating an entire show from script to production. The philosophy behind the company is to give all members a chance to learn, develop and practice their theatrical skills.

The Full Circle concept is about nurturing new and existing talent. The company is set up with a view to actively encourage all members to delve into any aspect of production that may interest them, from directing, acting, writing to working behind the scenes.

The company currently produces two shows a year, one consisting of one act plays the other a collection of original short plays. Our productions are diverse ranging from side splitting comedies to dramas and thrillers!'

Pageviews: 6721

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Last checked: 26/10/2017

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