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Theatre Centre

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Address:Unit 7&8,
Toynbee Workshops,
3, Gunthorpe Street,
E1 7BQ
020 7377 0379
Fax 020 7377 1376
  Web site : http://www.theatre-centre.co.uk
Email : admin@theatre-centre.co.uk

Keywords associated with this entry :
theatre, new, work, youth, education.

Useful Information :
'We are a professional theatre company touring new plays for the benefit of children and young people. A registered charity, Theatre Centre has been commissioning new writing and touring to schools and venues across the UK since 1953. We work closely with artists, young people and teachers to ensure we consistently create high-quality, life-enhancing theatre experiences for young audiences.'

Pageviews: 5897

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Last checked: 11/05/2018

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