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White Bear Theatre Club

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Address:138 Kennington Park Road,
London SEll 4DJ


3 Dante Road, Kennington,
SEll 4RB
020 7793 9193
Fax 020 7793 9193

  Web site : http://www.whitebeartheatre.co.uk/
Email : Not available

Keywords associated with this entry :
theatre, new, work.

Useful Information :
'The White Bear was established in 1988 and focuses on new writing and lost classics. It exists to nurture talent, extend possibilities and offer a space where risks can be taken. People who have cut their teeth at The White Bear include: Joe Penhall, Emily Watson, Tamzin Outhwaite, Kwame Kwei Armah, Vicky Featherstone, Torben Betts, and Lucinda Coxon. The White Bear has also developed and hosted work by a new generation of theatre makers including this year’s Verity Bargate winner Vicky Jones, Blanche McIntyre, The Ugly Sisters, and Simon Evans. Former White Bear Associates include Adam Spreadbury-Marr and Box of Tricks Theatre.

Difficulty accessing website, May 2016. 'Dangerous Website Blocked' May 2017

Pageviews: 6267

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Last checked: 11/05/2018

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