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Swansea Little Theatre Ltd

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Address:Dylan Thomas Theatre,
Maritime Quarter,
Gloucester Place,
01792 473238
  Web site : http://www.dylanthomastheatre.org.uk/
Email : Not available

Keywords associated with this entry :
theatre, new, work, pantomimes.

Useful Information :
'The multi award-winning Swansea Little Theatre Company is a thriving community theatre in the heart of the Maritime Cultural Quarter and SA1 Development area of Swansea. We are a registered charity with a membership of over 150 actors and technicians, all working on a voluntary basis to provide a vibrant and varied theatre programme, and run the Dylan Thomas Theatre, Swansea's only waterside theatre venue, which is regularly hired to visiting theatre companies and community groups. We have members of all ages and experience and welcome anyone with an interest in production, performance or theatre management. Our building recently underwent a major redevelopment to improve our facilities and access, following the award of a substantial Arts Council of Wales grant.'

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Last checked: 09/05/2018

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