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Nuffield Theatre

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Address:University Road,
S017 1TR
023 8031 5500
Fax 023 8031 5511
  Web site : http://www.nuffieldtheatre.co.uk/
Email : Not available

Keywords associated with this entry :
theatre, new, work, musicals, translations, fringe.

Useful Information :
'Nuffield is a producing theatre company based at the Nuffield Theatre on the Highfield campus at the University of Southampton. Nuffield aims to create world-class productions, directed, designed and written by the best theatre makers in the UK, to make work in different spaces and for different audiences, to find innovative and inclusive means to put community, young and old, at the heart of what we do, to run a bespoke development programme for the nurture of the next generation of theatre practitioners, and to take work to London and on tour nationally and internationally.'

May 2017 - difficulty accessing website - same 2018

Pageviews: 5447

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Last checked: 02/05/2018

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