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Coombs Moylett Literary Agency

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Address:3 Askew Road,
W12 9AA
020 8740 0454
Fax 020 8354 3065
  Web site : http://www.coombsmoylett.com/
Email : Not available

Keywords associated with this entry :
fiction, crime, thrillers, contemporary, women's, literary.

Useful Information :
'Coombs Moylett prides itself on discovering and nurturing new authors, as well as advising and advancing established authors. We offer a uniquely personal service, which includes access to first-class guidance from our highly qualified editors. We carefully select our writers, concentrating on quality debut fiction in the genres of crime & thrillers, commercial women’s fiction, historical fiction and literary fiction.'

Oct 2016 - web address leads to 'Triton Technical Solutions'
Oct 2017 - website unavailable.

Pageviews: 10534

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Last checked: 29/10/2017

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