Ward Lock Educational Co. Ltd
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Address: | BIC Ling Kee House, 1 Christopher Road, East Grinstead, West Sussex, RHI9 3BT 01342 318980 Fax 01342 410980 |
Web site : http://www.lingkee.com/wardlock/ Email : wle@lingkee.com Contact: |
Keywords associated with this entry :
school, primary, middle, secondary, education, teaching, manuals, mathematics, science, geography, reading, English, curriculum, religious, education.

Useful Information :
'Ward Lock Educational has been publishing school text books and books for teachers in the UK since 1952. WLE publishes a range of school subjects at Key Stages 1-4 as well as resource materials for the Numeracy Hour and the Literacy Hour. Popular series include KMP Mathematics, Take Part, Reading Workshop, Target Science, Target Geography, primary school songbooks, Practical Guides (for teachers) and a number of titles published in association with the Open University.'
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