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Swink (Publishers)

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Address:For essays and fiction:
244, Fifth Avenue #2722,
New York,
NY 10001

For poetry:
5042 Wilshire Blvd #628,
Los Angeles,
CA 90036
  Web site : http://www.swinkmag.com
Email : Not available

Keywords associated with this entry :
magazines, fiction, poetry, travel, memoirs, essays.

Recommended Method of Approach:
Phone Call Letter Synopsis Sample Chapters Full text SAE

Useful Information :
'Swink lives to work with and publish the work of new, emerging, and experimental writers.

We like the the marginal and the hybrid, the cunning, the whimsical, and the gleefully odd, the overtly silly, the maniacally formal, the obsessively structured, the colloquial, the discursive, the open-hearted, the humble, and we applaud the messy results of interesting risks.

Each month we offer new fiction, essays, poetry, and category-defying work in our three departments: Wit's End (humor), You Are Here (pieces about place), and Dead Letter Office (epistles never sent).

Swink was founded in 2004. A few years ago, we consolidated the print and online editions into a single publication...exclusively online, never in print. We hope you like it.'

Dec 2015 - website 'temporarily unavailable'Dec 2016 - difficulty accessing website - same 2017 - presumed defunct.

Pageviews: 11208

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Last checked: 05/12/2017

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