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Frank Cass & Co Ltd (Publishers)

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Address:   Web site : http://www.frankcass.com
Email : Not available

Keywords associated with this entry :
academic, politics, international, relations, military, security, history, places, Middle, East, economics, development, sports, studies.,

Recommended Method of Approach:
Phone Call Letter Synopsis Sample Chapters Full text SAE

Useful Information :
Imprint of Routledge/ Taylor & Francis

'Frank Cass began publishing academic military works in the late 1970s, initially books and journals on strategic studies, security and intelligence, followed by terrorism and Russian military history. The list was later expanded to include books on air power, naval history, land power, peacekeeping, the Cold War and, most recently, the Whitehall Histories series. The Cass imprint thus became established as one of the leading names in academic military publishing and was retained by Taylor & Francis when the company joined the Group in 2003.'

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Last checked: 17/12/2017

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