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Lean Marketing Press

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Address:Via website

  Web site : http://www.LeanMarketingPress.com
Email : Not available

Keywords associated with this entry :
marketing, finance, lifestyle, early, retirement, selling, travel, ex-pat

Useful Information :
'Using the principles tht lie at the heart of our Lean Marketing system, we work rapidly, effectively and systematically. While old publishers may take years to get books to print, we take weeks. Then, once the book is in print we give it a massive push in the right direction. We’ll support you to promote your book and get involved directly when it makes sense to do so, but the success of your book wil also be down to how much you put into it too.'

Mar 2014 - website being upgraded. Mar 2015 - 'Website Temporarily Down for Maintenance' - same 2016. Now Rethink Press 2017

Pageviews: 6173

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Last checked: 14/03/2018

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