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The Ampersand Agency

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Address:Ryman's Cottages,
Little Tew,
01608 683677
  Web site : http://www.theampersandagency.co.uk
Email : peter@theampersandagency.co.uk

  Read the WriteWords interview with The Ampersand Agency

Keywords associated with this entry :
fiction, literary, commercial, film/tv, radio, theatre

Useful Information :
'We represent our writers with enthusiasm and sound business sense, and we offer them candour, encouragement, detailed editorial advice, and a rapid response to queries. We have excellent relationships with publishers large and small, and defend our clients’ interests with vigour and professionalism. And we have extensive experience of negotiating contracts for theatre, film, tv, radio, and digital media, so our authors can be confident of receiving the best advice on all multi-media sales.'

Pageviews: 15096

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Last checked: 15/03/2018

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