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Mad World

by The Walrus 

Posted: 28 April 2005
Word Count: 85

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Mad. Mad.
We are both mad.
Only feeling normality
communing together
in our mad world.

Wild and mad.
We are both this,
thirsting endorphin
feeding off wildness

The world sprawls expectantly
at our feet,
anything, everything
for the taking
And yet what?

I want to take pliers
cut the chord of my intelligence
stamp out this pernicious
thinking disease and abort
to a place of no thought.
but while that’s not an option
I will continue to seek oblivion
through mental, spiritual and physical extreme.

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Comments by other Members

joanie at 22:27 on 28 April 2005  Report this post
Hi Christina. It certainly is a mad world! I like
thirsting endorphin
feeding off wildness

I want to take pliers
cut the chord of my intelligence
stamp out this pernicious
thinking disease and abort
to a place of no thought.

This has made me think!


laurafraser at 09:18 on 29 April 2005  Report this post
What i like about this is the seriousness of the resolution, i really got the sense of the extremes that the narrator is talking abouot because of the language which is direct , short and sharp. This poem resonates for me on a personal level and so i ould like to say that for me you have dealt with this topic perfectly.

I like this a lot


Ticonderoga at 14:52 on 29 April 2005  Report this post
This has a very strong smack of Artaud to it - push the limits beyond the ordinary and usual, live as intensly as possible with every possible part of your organism; live 'cruelly' - i.e. lucidly - cutting a swathe through all the shit and muck and obfuscation of 'real' life. Hurrah!! Keep scribbling!



The Walrus at 14:33 on 23 May 2005  Report this post
Joanie, Laura, Mike, apologies for the delayed acknowledgement. Yes Laura this is very definitely a poem about extremes, tho its origination is rooted in one of my favourite current rumninations... what it is to be intelligent and how this intelligence serves us. Recent debate with a friend: I was arguing very much against the idea that, although it enables us to navigate through our material world, intelligence (and its inextricable link with ego) is not a true source of happiness. Furthermore, I believe 'super intelligence' can be a massive source of unhappiness... to the extent that individuals who possess this often are reliant upon extremes to escape their fast/deep/extensive thinking... normally through dangerous sports, drink, drugs, etc. Not original thoughts but they did provide the basis for the poem!

Mike, really like and endorse your comments and just to completely contradict what I say above, I do think it's not only important but essential to push limits and live beyond the ordinary.

Thanks for commenting!


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