Posted: 04 April 2005 Word Count: 6211 Summary: Based on an encounter with a real life JC,be careful you don't cross paths with one of these women. 'My friends and family mean the world to me… I value what I do.' |
Content Warning
This piece and/or subsequent comments may contain strong language.
This piece and/or subsequent comments may contain strong language.
23:30-00:15 Colin 44 single, sad and very lonely
The only noise was the soft clipping sound of the keyboard, with the lights dimmed in her small spare bedroom Jenny Carney stared coldly, emotionless onto the computer screen. On the screen a variant of messenger conveyed a seemingly intimate private text conversation between two people. Jenny remained impassive except for the slightest smirk as her suitor expressed his intensified feelings for her. In complete control she sipped a nice Shiraz arrogantly from her wine glass.
‘Jenny, I think I’m falling for you mate…I really think I’m falling for you big time.’
She held back for a moment pretending that these familiar words were having an impact on her; she thanked God that she wasn’t on Web cam with Colin tonight and held herself like a little girl suppressing an evilly cheeky giggle.
‘I’m speechless…wow I really am so touched…and I am so lost for words for once LOL…I mean gosh where did all that come from Colin?’
‘I just couldn’t say it before JC, but in all honesty I’ve wanted you from the moment I saw you…and I think from your behaviour on camera…that you appear to more than like me.’
‘OOOOO! Colin… behaviour? What do you mean by behaviour?’
‘Oh I’m sorry it’s just that you do things sometimes.’
‘I beg your pardon…I do not!!!!’
‘You do!!!!!’
‘I do not *giggles*.’
‘Yes you do Jennifer, and you know you do young lady.’
‘Teehee!! Stop it Colin… you’re making me giggle. ’
‘Just as I bloody thought young madam, you do know you’re driving me nuts with lust don’t you?’
‘LOL! What things Colin, what do I do?’
‘You know… things.’
‘Tell me… you have to tell me what things I do and tell me what those things make you do…want to do.’
The alert sound suddenly pinged on messenger, and Jennifer was now happily surprised and really smiled this time, another one had arrived online, someone she did actually desire.
‘Do I have to be specific?’ continued Colin.
‘Yes!!! Very specific and I want to know what you want to do to me Colin, what do those things make you want to do to me?’
‘Oh my God…I can’t possibly say those kind of things…they might upset you.’
‘Tell me Colin, I can assure you I’m not easily shocked, in fact I think I may well have heard it all before, and in any case I love hearing those things.’
‘But I just can’t say those things Jenny, it’s just not me, you know that.’
She knew this yes, but paused to give him a last chance, but no - this sap wasn’t desperate enough to spill his dignity all over the screen just yet. She was bored with him now and with her patience at its limit, she dismissed him.
‘Ok I have to go now sweetheart.’
‘A friend has come online, I think he wants to speak to me.’
‘Yes Phil sometimes stays with me when he’s in town… in fact he’s coming down this weekend, we always have a lovely, lovely lazy time, LOL.’
‘I’m so sorry I wish I’d known; I would never have said those things. I mean I didn’t know you were seeing someone’
‘Oh I see men all the time… but I really like you as well Colin, I like you very much, so say what you want, don’t ever hold back with me…ever.’
‘I will…I will, can I talk to you again soon JC?’
‘Good night sweetheart, take care now see you soon.’
‘I think I love you Jennifer.’
‘I know you do…I know you do honey, goodnight baby.’ And she giggled again.
Any time and any place: Phil 47 married with two kids
Eyes now shining wide and black like an excited cat on the hunt, Jennifer’s heartbeat began to increase rapidly. Phillip was a personnel officer for a haulage firm from the north, big earthy and blunt and to the point, a man’s man who knew what he wanted and made it clear when he wanted it. This was the man she so really wanted. Her fingers rapidly typed out a girlish welcome call.
‘Hiya Honey.’
She couldn’t resist first contact, she never could with him; this though was unusual for Phil to be online this late, it was usually at work when she communicated with him.
‘Hello doll.’
‘You ok?’
‘Yep I’m good.’
‘Good, good. Can’t get enough of me eh? LOL.’
‘That’s true, but you’re way too much for one man.’
'Yeah! And you know it as well’
‘LOL… I can’t wait for the weekend honey, I’m SOOOOOOOO looking forward to seeing you again baby.’
But even as soon as the words she typed hit the screen, she felt the slight tingle of anxiety at the back of her neck, and now there was a pause, a long pause he was thinking of his response, impatience made her type out of sequence.
‘Phil? What is it?’
‘Well I’m afraid I’ve got bad news doll.’
Jennifer shook her head in fury, her eyes were now fixed accusingly on the monitor screen, she whispered a snarling ‘bastard,’ under her breath. Her breathing was now becoming erratic but her showing anger would get her nowhere with this man, he was as stubborn as he was blunt.
‘Yeah! I’m sorry sweetheart, I can’t make it this weekend.’
Jenny shut her eyes and with clenched fists inhaled deeply, then banged the keys.
‘She suspects something pet; I’m going to have to be really low key about weekend work from now on.’
‘Suspects??? Why would she suspect something, you’ve haven’t been down here in more than a month.’
‘Well I was in Doncaster last weekend seeing some clients.’
‘She rang my hotel late on one of the nights.’
‘I wasn’t there to receive the call.’
‘OH!! Why where were you?’
Again there was a pause, Jennie’s eyes widened.
‘Where were you?’ She repeated.
‘Relaxing… you know just relaxing.’
‘Relaxing? What the fuck does that mean?’
‘What it means darling is mind your own fucking business, I mean for fuck sake I’m getting enough hassle off her without you joining the fray…I mean you’re well looked after by me aren’t you?’
Jenny lunged forward and hissed at the screen, ‘You Fucker,’ so that’s what she was to him, was it? But she stayed just about in control.
‘I won’t lower myself by replying to that.’
‘LOL, suit yourself honey.’
Again she breathed in deeply, because breathing out might have incinerated the monitor, and then grasping the table, and through gritted teeth she released her grip and typed again.
‘When then?’
‘When then what?’
‘When are you coming Phil?’
The long pause again, Jenny sighed and then slumping back closed her eyes, it took several seconds before the messenger alert jingle brought her back. She opened her eyes and surveyed the screen desolately.
‘ I don’t think I’ll be seeing you for quite some while doll, certainly not again this year… maybe we can hook up again in the New Year.’
She let out an almost manic scream at this announcement, and then pounded her response on the keys.
‘Its FUCKING May now Phil, I can’t wait SEVEN FUCKING MONTHS.’
‘I’m sorry…but it’s take it or leave it honey.’
Angry tears now, Jenny was never in control with Phillip… and she so much had to be in control and that would surely only be a matter of time, if only she could get him for herself.
‘What about leaving her Phillip?’
‘Eh! What about it?’
‘We talked about it remember?’
‘I think you talked about it love I only listened, blimey that has never been an option sweetheart, I mean I love my wife don’t I?’
‘You’re a lying bastard Phil.’
‘OOOO! You love me really honey, you do and you know it. Listen I’ll be in touch…but got to go now. Night, night doll be good and if not don’t get caught.’
‘Kiss, kiss…sweetheart I’ll do my best to make it up to you...promise I will.’
‘Yeah!!! I’ll believe that when I see it.’
Oh so this bastard had others did he? Well she’d just have to try harder to be his number one is all.
‘Keep in touch Phillip…you know I love you.’
‘Goodnight sweetheart.’
12:30-1:00: Twice a week, Quick Thrill Bill mid fifties?
‘Hey Billy boy come and talk to me…I need you tonight baby.’
Jennifer now needed someone to adore her, some adulation from a man who didn’t fear showing his desire, Quick Thrill Bill an American was online and he fitted the bill just nicely. She giggled like a little girl again when she saw that Bill was responding almost immediately.
‘Talk of the devil…I was just feeling the same thing JC.’
‘How are you sweetie?’
‘ I’m fine honey pie, my dick is already getting hard as hell, and I’m thinking about it nestling between your fantastic soft tits.’
‘OOOOO TY kind sir, that sounds lovely by the way, I LOOOVE the idea of your big hard cock lying here, glistening and SOOOO so hard between my tits.’
‘I want to play JC, do you want to play?’
‘Oh yes…oh yes I want to play Bill, I want to play SOOOOOOOO so much.’
‘God! Fuck you’d make any man real happy JC.’
‘Teehee!! I’m teasing my nipples my tongue right now Billy, can you imagine that?’
‘OOOOOOH man!!!!!!!!!’
‘Are you ready for some fun honey?’
‘ I’m always ready for you JC.’
‘Web cams on then and we’re ready to go.’
Twice during the week once at weekends: Jenny’s parents.
On the drive to her parents the next day, Jennifer made a quick stop at the supermarket to visit a hole in the wall. Still very angry from the night before about a lost weekend, she cut up another male driver and took the parking spot he was waiting patiently to occupy. The driver wound down his windscreen as Jennifer casually without a hint of embarrassment vacated her car.
‘Thank you so fucking much darling, I must do the same for you sometime.’
Without turning Jennifer raised her middle finger.
‘Fuck off you arsehole.’
Thank God there was no queue at the cash point, she was fighting so hard to get back to what was usually second nature to her, her second nature the calm professionalism but with definite sweet femininity that she exuded during the day. She’d have to dig deep to find this other side or mum would be onto her.
Her anger though was now thankfully abating being forced away…until that is he appeared on her near horizon with her. It was Martin her ex husband with the bitch that he’d left Jennifer for. Ignoring each other would have been just too weird, a bit like two colliding planets deftly and unnaturally sidestepping each other at the last moment.
‘Hello Jen,’ he said looking stunned, sheepish when he spotted her.
‘Hello Marty,’ she replied coolly enjoying his guilt…his fear of her. She then looked at this new woman in his life…this was her first real good look at the (heavy) woman that he’d left her for three years ago.
‘This is Sandra…I don’t know if you know each other, but as you can see she’s expecting our first child.’ Martin continued nervously.
‘Yes I do, I do see…congratulations Marty…and of course you Sandra, I don’t think we’ve actually met before but your face is so familiar, I must say you two look well suited.’ She offered her hand, then smiled cruelly as she surveyed the rather plump dumpy woman that Martin valued more than her.
‘Thank you, I don’t think we’ve met though but it’s a small world so who knows.’
‘It is indeed, it is…well look I’m sorry but I have to shoot; mum is expecting me for lunch. Listen hope you two get what you want and I’ll try get something to you to celebrate the arrival of whatever you’re lucky enough to get.’
‘Thanks Jen…I mean that is really nice of you.’ Marty replied gratefully.
‘Yes that is so kind Jennifer considering…’ Continued Sandra haltingly.
For a moment the silence was indeed thunderous, Jennifer’s smile remained sweet and demure, as she thought how she could quite easily skewer these pair of cunts, without a moments regret.
‘Yeah well…I guess we have all have to move on and not let the past grind us down. You’re looking well Marty, I’m glad you’ve found happiness, glad you’ve found your someone.’
After a momentary nod, goodbye and the exchange of awkward glances, they parted as weirdly as they’d accidentally connected.
The rest of the drive brought back those angry tears, Jennifer would have to take this anger and hurt out on someone, not now of course, but there was always the nighttime and the list of her messenger men. There was one in particular on that list.
Late May had been nice like a good mid-summer in fact, the two women sat at a table drinking wine contentedly in the vast back garden, in amongst them children played tag with granddad, and others stroked the good natured Carney family Labrador Spike. Wives stood and talked and drank their wine, husbands stood apart drinking beer, managing to cinder burn sausages on the barbecue. Jenny looked on at the happily married couples, trying so very hard not be jealous of her brother and two sisters.
On the surface she was enjoying this fun of a family get together, but internally things were building up and tearing her apart. She was aware of her mother’s eyes, her increasingly longer probing side-glances at her; she pretended not to notice and heightened her laughter to try and deflect her mother’s attention, but to no avail.
‘Jen?’ Came that so, so familiar soft concerned, questioning whisper. How did she do that thought Jennifer, hone in every single time she knew something was wrong.
‘Yes mum,’ she replied without facing her mother knowing it might give something away, ‘gosh the kids are growing so fast, and I just love seeing them so happy and healthy.’
‘ Yes I know they’re lovely and beautiful, I’m so very proud of them.’
‘So am I mum, Kevin, Sharon and Gill have done you and dad proud as kids, producing such wonderful Grandkids for you both.’
‘I’m proud and love of all my kids Jenny…equally so and like all good mothers I worry about them all the time…and just recently one in particular.’
Jenny still looked away from her mother, looking for a fixed point in the distance to concentrate on. ‘No need to worry about me mum, I’m fine...really I am.’ She laughed again and pointed, ‘look at Bobby mum… hey steady on mate! You’ll fall and do yourself an injury!’
‘ Jenny when will you and I share the joy of your children…when will you make us the proud Grandparents of your children?’
Now this was a skill only mothers had, a simple phrase or question that could suddenly pin you hard and fast against a wall.
Jenny sighed, leaned forward and looked down. It was only then she realised she’d been turning the empty wine glass over and over in her cupped hands, fidgeting nervously giving it all away to her mother.
‘Please tell me Jen, tell your mum what’s wrong…you can tell me anything you know that don’t you? Nothing will stop me loving you darling, I want to help… so tell your mum, will you please.’
‘Yes I know that mum…you, my family and my friends mean everything to me, and if I can’t confide in you who can I confide in? But no nothing is wrong mum…just a bad end to a bad week I think, I’ll pick up I always do…and who knows I just might smile and just might meet the right guy next week.
Mrs Carney looked at her thirty two year old beautiful daughter anxiously, she…Jenny was lying but then again she always did, the only chick in her brood that mum couldn’t quite read fully, but she didn’t press because there was now something dark about this girl, something dark that hadn’t always been there, but now that dark something was taking her over.
‘I hope you find this Mr right soon Jennie, please make it soon.’
‘So do I, I’ll keep looking mum, but you know for every prince out there today there’s ten thousand frogs to kiss first, and believe me I know.’
‘Goodness!!! What is wrong with men today, you’re so beautiful, loving and intelligent Jenny… are all the men out there today fools?’
‘Mum, are all men fools, what’s wrong with men today? You really don’t know? Where shall I begin…where shall I begin?’
23:30-00:15: Colin 44 single, sad and very lonely
‘Hello honey.’
‘Oh hello Jennifer what a lovely surprise…I didn’t expect you tonight, I thought your friend was staying with you.’
‘Well I’m here if you want to talk about it.’
‘I know Colin, you never let me down…you’re always here for me.’
‘Couldn’t your friend make it?’
‘Yes he could have, but didn’t.’
‘Oh I see… did you fall out?’
‘Yes we fell out because he didn’t want to make it…he didn’t want to try hard enough to be with me, the obstacles were too much he said.’
‘LOL! And that’s not good enough if you want to be with me, I don’t accept poor excuses…in fact I don’t accept any excuses point blank…at all!’
‘Blimey I thought you were a sweetheart.’
‘No Colin I’m BAAAAAAAD and very, very mean.’
‘No you’re not Jennifer, you’re lovely.’
‘LOL! Why TY Colin honey, you’re just so sweet to me always.’
‘I’d walk if I had to…anywhere just to be with you.’
‘LOL! I know you would Colin, as I said you’re a real sweetie.’
‘I can’t express what you mean to me Jennifer, I really can’t.’
‘Can I see you now Colin?’
‘Will you turn your web cam on for me, so I can see you.’
‘Oh the web cam, yes of course I will.’
‘What did you think I meant Colin?’
‘Well, just for a moment I thought you wanted to meet me.’
‘Do you think that would be a good idea Colin?’
‘I’d love to meet you JC.’
The signal to accept Colin’s invitation to view web cam luckily came on screen, enabling her to deflect the conversation.
‘OOOOO I’ll accept shall I?’
‘Oh…yes ok, well you did ask you big Nelly.’
‘LOL! Of course I did, sorry I’m having a blonde day.’
At that moment the top right corner of the screen flickered, and there appeared the slightly jolty but clear image of a gaunt rather plain looking man, looking pensively at the screen, Jenny’s smile broadened and her body shook as she gave a little shuddered giggle of revulsion.
‘OOO! Colin you’re a good-looking guy and very, very tempting and that’s no mistake.’ She was, of course, lying again.
Hunting for fresh meat (usually during a lull) a few weeks later
There was always a quiet period where Jenny could stock up on her larder. Men came and went, some wanted too much, some too little; some were too slow and some were just too quick. But there were always plenty of chat rooms, sites and forums on the net where she could find the type of men who were looking for the type of woman like her.
She was versatile and multitasked, she had no specific niche, so no nothing was too much for her. But you had to meet her standards, and depending on how good you were, on how much you opened up depended on how far up the ladder you got, from text messages on the screen to web cam exhibitionism, and then from titillating phone sex conversation onto dating and finally if you were good enough Jenny would be your full time mistress.
She in particular enjoyed the art of being handily placed to help other relationships just break up that little bit faster, by being that special consoling friend. All of this of course, just until she found her Mr Right. Some might say double standards? Jennifer on this issue luckily seemed to have convenient lapses in memory.
It was 9 pm when the little notification bar appeared in the bottom right hand corner of her screen, an email message from Colin. She mouse clicked the tab curious to see what poor old Colin wanted to say to her.
‘Come and talk to me straight away, please,’ was the one line message.
She’d’ recently reigned back in her contact with him, he was getting far too heavy and beginning to demand more than she was prepared to give him. Rationing herself to him seem to cool his ardour, he was much more manageable and sedate with these isolated visits. Very occasionally she would treat him, tease him, tempt him and of course confuse him, yes there was so much fun to be had with desperate men the like of Colin, indeed it was much too early to throw him away. She waited five minutes removed the block from Colin’s name on the screen and clicked on his name again.
23:30-00:15: Colin 44 single, sad and very lonely
‘Hello Sweetie…is something the matter Colin?’
‘Hi, that’s Jennifer isn’t it?’
‘Well of course it is Colin…who else would it be?’
‘Well this isn’t Colin, this is actually Tom, Colin’s brother.’
Jenny’s eyebrows arched. Curious she licked the tips of her fingers sensually, she was fidgeting nervously. Contemplating. Tom was Colin’s younger brother by ten years, a rogue by all accounts according to Colin, the dark sheep of the family gone away, never heard of, seldom mentioned. But here he was, apparently wanting to talk to Jenny. What was this game going to be?
‘Well… hello Tom, bit of a shock but very nice to meet you in any case, I have to say Colin has told me quite a bit about you.’
‘Has he? I imagine nothing too complimentary though?’
‘LOL! He may say a few choice things, but your brother can’t hide his fondness for you Tom.’
‘HMMM! Well that fondness is undeserved.’
‘Well I can’t comment on that because I don’t really know you… yet.’
‘ Ah yes… well ok… But if you don’t mind I need to speak to you about him.’
Jennifer eyes glistened as her stare fixed onto the screen; she was an expert at the reading the minds of the other participants at the other end of this unique highway. She sensed this could be interesting.
‘Sure, of course but speaking of which where is our Colin? And err…why are you on his computer, not that I’m complaining you understand?’
‘Well, that’s a good question Jennifer. Well I’m here on Colin’s computer trying to figure out where he might be. Colin seems to have been missing for nearly a week.’
This was going to be interesting.
‘OMG!!! Are you sure? I don’t …believe this.’
‘Yeah! I know but he’s done it before but not for this long.’
Done it before? These words almost magnified ten times and jumped out of the screen at her. Done it before? What did that exactly mean?
‘Oh God!! Please tell me all what happened, God this is scaring the shit out of me.’
Jenny eyed the bottom of the screen; it stated that Tom was writing and then he stopped, he was obviously thinking about his response, hesitation like this always caught her attention, she always wondered what fresh thought was being added or what bad phrase was being deleted.
‘Well I got a call from mum saying he hadn’t been around for a few days, normally dad… well when he was alive that is would have checked or tracked him down or even got help, but… anyway I said I would come back. So here I am, I’ve come around here as soon as I do, and yes I’m afraid worryingly all the signs are here that Colin has done one again, a runner that is. The backdoor was unlocked, lights and television on, and here in his little office the computer is on. Colin has quite severe mood swings, and when they’re bad, they are really bad.’
‘Oh I see, this is absolutely terrible Tom, absolutely terrible. I don’t know what I can do…but please ask anything and I’ll try to help.’
After another brief pause the screen flickered again with another response.
‘First could I ask a big, big favour, could we view each other, it’s just that I like to see who I’m speaking to, I’m not a great fan of these chat things, I always think they hide so much that’s so important.’
Yes this was getting interesting.
‘I so, so agree Tom. Text and silly emoticons just can’t replace the true honest physicality of a face-to-face conversation. Ok I’ll invite you to accept the option to view web cam, click on accept. Then if you click on the web cam icon on your screen in the top right corner, you’ll offer me the same option ok?
‘Ok, thanks yes I see it, the little eye icon on a pod?’
‘Yes Tom that’s it.’
After a few seconds there was two way visual contact between the two of them.
Ah this was better much, much better. Tom might not have been the total antithesis of his gormless elder sibling, but he was much younger than the ten years Colin had spoken about surely? The smile said a lot, the cheeky dimpled endearing smile that was now widening into a sexy boyish grinning laugh, the guy was a charming bit of rough and no mistake. Jenny already fidgeting excitedly was never very good at masking her lust for men and she realised she was doing this now.
‘Well hello again Tom, sorry to ogle… I just wish this meeting had been under different circumstances.’
‘Ah I see now.’
‘See what?’ She asked smiling intriguingly.
‘I can see why my silly old thing of a daft brother… has become infatuated with you.’
‘Why thank you Tom, but like I said, maybe this is not the time or the place.’
‘No excuse me, I didn’t mean it like that. No just seeing you explains why Colin has done what he has done.’
She gave her best-puzzled expression despite the insinuation.
‘Oh I see…well I think I do anyway, you’re not blaming me are you Tom?’
Tom shook his head, still smiling, but a little of something other than amusement was in his eyes now. He wasn’t shaking his head to allay her suspicions, more to confirm them.
‘Yes well it all becomes so much more clearer now.’
‘Well all of this here, all that I have before me now.’
‘All of this here in this tiny room is you Jennifer.’
‘What do you mean everything is me? Look Tom I don’t think I like this, I come online and you ask for help about your brother and I get this bloody nonsense. What the hell is going on here?’
‘How on earth could I be talking to you now Jennifer…unless something led me to you?’
Oh what was this then, she wondered. Time to turn off the flirting and get serious.
‘Your brother and I talk very occasionally Tom…I imagine I’m on his email list, as well as the contacts list, but I can assure you I hardly know him.’
The smile had gone now; his eyes had lost the cheeky allure and instead they emitted a cold stare. He continued.
‘Did you know he wrote in his journals about you …silly poems, silly thoughts and silly old Colin dreams? Jennifer did you know my brother is obsessed with you? Did you know Colin saved and archived all the conversations between you and him?’
Oh Control, oh control oh how she needed to be in control. She tried to match his cool stare but switching off the cam was tempting and seemingly a more sensible option, but this would be an admission of defeat to this new man…and new men weren’t allowed to beat her, certainly not this early. So the stupid jerk saved all their conversations did he, oh god and she thought that was her special trick. And oh yes, those bloody stupid poems of his.
‘No I didn’t Tom…but now of course I do.’
‘Yes, in fact it appears they may have been the last thing he was reading before he left, because here they are these so called very occasional conversations…that happened virtually every night for the last six months…I wonder why he left them up Jennifer, I wonder why?’
‘Do you always read other people’s private conversations Tom, do you? If I can be candid… in fact I will, I find that rather distasteful.’
‘Well forgive me Jennifer, but these just might help us find him or tell us what was wrong, I think that’s quite important don’t you? By the way do you always lie Jennifer?’
It would only take a click to get her out of this, but she’d learned through adversity how to fight and how to find the will to want to fight back.
‘I protect my privacy Tom and unlike you I respect your brother’s.’
‘Well I wonder? You certainly don’t respect his dignity judging by these conversations. First you lured him in, chased him and then gradually ever so gradually he began to chase you, and oh you him made chase didn’t you? Until finally he was chasing cyber shadows.’
Her finger hovered shakily over the mouse button her body was tensing; Tom’s mini revelations were hitting her like little electric aftershocks one after the other. But still she stayed.
‘Colin and I are both adults Tom…we both knew what we were doing. And as for not being there for him, well unless I’m a mirage, here I am tonight.’
‘Really, well I know my brother better than you…and we both know he wasn’t ready for the likes of you.’
She made Tom see that she was giving an exaggerated sigh.
‘Look Tom - this is getting very tiresome, you’ve obviously been a very, very busy boy, but you’ve come up with some rather inaccurate hasty conclusions about me. I care about your brother Tom, I really do; we’ve shared a lot in the six-months, he’s opened up and confided with me and I in turn with him…we both got a lot of good out of it and helped each other. But your brother wants more, much more than realistically I was ever prepared to give, I really did try to make him understand time and time again I really did…he just wouldn’t listen or believe I’m afraid.’
Tom smirked disdainfully.
‘The pictures were a nice touch JC some interesting poses I must say, the web cam invitations another. Kind of forced them on him didn’t you no?
‘Ha! Do you see him complaining Tom? Do you see him refusing? You do him discredit, he’s not as naïve and sweet as he appears. And believe me or not, I’m deeply concerned as to his whereabouts and safety. Look I can’t deny that I love to be adored, it would be silly of me with the conversations you have there in front of you, but in turn I really do adore all of my men in return. But I’m a nice girl Tom, misguided and easily led astray sometimes perhaps…but hand on my heart I’m a really nice person, honestly I am.’
‘Oh and here was me thinking of amongst others, tramp, liar, predator, man-eater and evil manipulator, silly me! But I wonder what my brother is thinking now, where he is and what he is doing? Funny thing Jennifer is that my mother said that during these six months, she’s never seen him look happier… but latterly never been so worried at the confusion and despair in his face. Jennifer for his and your sake I hope we find my brother…if we don’t…I don’t know what I might do. And no you’re not a nice person Jennifer, you’re a vicious, nasty bitch and not a very nice person at all.’
‘Tom please go and find your brother, and WHEN you do give him my love, tell him JC was concerned and misses him dreadfully. And think of me what you will Tom, I honestly couldn’t give a fuck…I’ve heard it before and no doubt I’ll hear it again…’ Jennifer stopped typing; she noticed Tom had switched off his cam and gone offline.
‘BAAASTARRRRRRRRRD!!’ She screamed into the monitor grabbing manically at each side of the screen.
She breathed in a heavily and nearly collapsed forward onto her keyboard, her head was in her hands, she was now sobbing… not remorsefully but angrily, her breathing was almost at hyperventilation level. But she forced herself up with effort and into the bathroom.
Slowly composing herself she bathed her face with the splash of cold water from the tap. She looked at her strained reflection in the mirror and hissed ‘I am nice girl…I am a nice girl…I am a nice girl…honestly I am.’ She then moved off towards her main bedroom.
Tom took a deep breath and sat back from the screen, the tension of all that had nearly blew him away. Jennifer was something else, for the first time he’d felt as if he was being sucked in; only prior knowledge, plan and preparation had given him the edge in this encounter with her. He turned slightly to his right, and there was his sitting brother just out of view of the camera lens.
‘Well Colin, do you see now?’
Colin’s gaze remained fixed on the screen, an almost longing look in his eyes as if wishing for her back.
‘Did she ever like me Tom? Did I ever mean anything to her anything…I know she meant an awful lot to me.’
Tom could feel the anger rising from the pit of his stomach, a sickly fury, and detestation for a woman and having to say such cruel words to his fragile brother.
‘Col, you meant nothing to her mate; you were neither a potential lover nor a friend even. All you were to her was a little midnight plaything, you only lasted this long because you adored her and that’s all she wanted from you.’
‘I see…do you think she’ll ever contact me again Tom, I could sense she was really angry tonight?’
‘She’ll never contact you again mate, I can assure you, her game is up she knows I know, she knows people will protect you now, she knows you now suspect.’
For the first time Colin looked directly into his brother’s eyes, his beginning to glisten with droplets of moisture, his body juddering ever so slightly his hands locked together in a double sized fist.
‘Why Tom?’
Tom could feel the fury rising again, instead he heavily sighed and without answering looked past his brother and off into space.
Every night: Jennifer 32 sad, single and very alone.
A few minutes later as if nothing had happened tonight, she returned refreshed, changed and ready to continue her hunt for fresh meat. A few glasses of a nicely chilled chardonnay from the wine rack would get her horny and naughty, just in the right mood so she could snare her fix for tonight. A chat room or a forum full of just the kind of men she wanted. This was the dark beauty of the Internet at its best in her opinion, that and living in a big city.
Tomorrow at 11 AM she would give a presentation to the board of directors, outlining the benefits of making the acquisition of a failing competitor in Greenwich. She would do this with cool supreme professionalism; she would win them over with her charm, her humour and her femininity all of these and of course the no nonsense competitive approach she was respected for.
Tonight on the dating forum however a gentleman from London calling himself the ‘The White Knight,’ was offering himself and the services of his magnificent charger, any lady who was in need of rescuing tonight just had to let down their drawbridges and let him in.
White knights today were a rarity, nothing like one’s Dad used to tell her about at bedtime when she was a kid. Life then was a big new adventure then full of wonder and expectation for a little girl like sweet Jenny, who would have thought that she would become this. She wondered about poor old Colin momentarily and then decided that he would probably turn up bedraggled and confused, walk safely into the family bosom.
Jennifer’s attention turned quickly to more important matters, assessing what kind of man this white knight might be.
‘Neanderthal male horny scum,’ Jennifer said to her self, ‘exactly what I need tonight.’
She clicked on his email tab, and in the subject bar typed…
‘Damsel in distress.’
The only noise was the soft clipping sound of the keyboard, with the lights dimmed in her small spare bedroom Jenny Carney stared coldly, emotionless onto the computer screen. On the screen a variant of messenger conveyed a seemingly intimate private text conversation between two people. Jenny remained impassive except for the slightest smirk as her suitor expressed his intensified feelings for her. In complete control she sipped a nice Shiraz arrogantly from her wine glass.
‘Jenny, I think I’m falling for you mate…I really think I’m falling for you big time.’
She held back for a moment pretending that these familiar words were having an impact on her; she thanked God that she wasn’t on Web cam with Colin tonight and held herself like a little girl suppressing an evilly cheeky giggle.
‘I’m speechless…wow I really am so touched…and I am so lost for words for once LOL…I mean gosh where did all that come from Colin?’
‘I just couldn’t say it before JC, but in all honesty I’ve wanted you from the moment I saw you…and I think from your behaviour on camera…that you appear to more than like me.’
‘OOOOO! Colin… behaviour? What do you mean by behaviour?’
‘Oh I’m sorry it’s just that you do things sometimes.’
‘I beg your pardon…I do not!!!!’
‘You do!!!!!’
‘I do not *giggles*.’
‘Yes you do Jennifer, and you know you do young lady.’
‘Teehee!! Stop it Colin… you’re making me giggle. ’
‘Just as I bloody thought young madam, you do know you’re driving me nuts with lust don’t you?’
‘LOL! What things Colin, what do I do?’
‘You know… things.’
‘Tell me… you have to tell me what things I do and tell me what those things make you do…want to do.’
The alert sound suddenly pinged on messenger, and Jennifer was now happily surprised and really smiled this time, another one had arrived online, someone she did actually desire.
‘Do I have to be specific?’ continued Colin.
‘Yes!!! Very specific and I want to know what you want to do to me Colin, what do those things make you want to do to me?’
‘Oh my God…I can’t possibly say those kind of things…they might upset you.’
‘Tell me Colin, I can assure you I’m not easily shocked, in fact I think I may well have heard it all before, and in any case I love hearing those things.’
‘But I just can’t say those things Jenny, it’s just not me, you know that.’
She knew this yes, but paused to give him a last chance, but no - this sap wasn’t desperate enough to spill his dignity all over the screen just yet. She was bored with him now and with her patience at its limit, she dismissed him.
‘Ok I have to go now sweetheart.’
‘A friend has come online, I think he wants to speak to me.’
‘Yes Phil sometimes stays with me when he’s in town… in fact he’s coming down this weekend, we always have a lovely, lovely lazy time, LOL.’
‘I’m so sorry I wish I’d known; I would never have said those things. I mean I didn’t know you were seeing someone’
‘Oh I see men all the time… but I really like you as well Colin, I like you very much, so say what you want, don’t ever hold back with me…ever.’
‘I will…I will, can I talk to you again soon JC?’
‘Good night sweetheart, take care now see you soon.’
‘I think I love you Jennifer.’
‘I know you do…I know you do honey, goodnight baby.’ And she giggled again.
Any time and any place: Phil 47 married with two kids
Eyes now shining wide and black like an excited cat on the hunt, Jennifer’s heartbeat began to increase rapidly. Phillip was a personnel officer for a haulage firm from the north, big earthy and blunt and to the point, a man’s man who knew what he wanted and made it clear when he wanted it. This was the man she so really wanted. Her fingers rapidly typed out a girlish welcome call.
‘Hiya Honey.’
She couldn’t resist first contact, she never could with him; this though was unusual for Phil to be online this late, it was usually at work when she communicated with him.
‘Hello doll.’
‘You ok?’
‘Yep I’m good.’
‘Good, good. Can’t get enough of me eh? LOL.’
‘That’s true, but you’re way too much for one man.’
'Yeah! And you know it as well’
‘LOL… I can’t wait for the weekend honey, I’m SOOOOOOOO looking forward to seeing you again baby.’
But even as soon as the words she typed hit the screen, she felt the slight tingle of anxiety at the back of her neck, and now there was a pause, a long pause he was thinking of his response, impatience made her type out of sequence.
‘Phil? What is it?’
‘Well I’m afraid I’ve got bad news doll.’
Jennifer shook her head in fury, her eyes were now fixed accusingly on the monitor screen, she whispered a snarling ‘bastard,’ under her breath. Her breathing was now becoming erratic but her showing anger would get her nowhere with this man, he was as stubborn as he was blunt.
‘Yeah! I’m sorry sweetheart, I can’t make it this weekend.’
Jenny shut her eyes and with clenched fists inhaled deeply, then banged the keys.
‘She suspects something pet; I’m going to have to be really low key about weekend work from now on.’
‘Suspects??? Why would she suspect something, you’ve haven’t been down here in more than a month.’
‘Well I was in Doncaster last weekend seeing some clients.’
‘She rang my hotel late on one of the nights.’
‘I wasn’t there to receive the call.’
‘OH!! Why where were you?’
Again there was a pause, Jennie’s eyes widened.
‘Where were you?’ She repeated.
‘Relaxing… you know just relaxing.’
‘Relaxing? What the fuck does that mean?’
‘What it means darling is mind your own fucking business, I mean for fuck sake I’m getting enough hassle off her without you joining the fray…I mean you’re well looked after by me aren’t you?’
Jenny lunged forward and hissed at the screen, ‘You Fucker,’ so that’s what she was to him, was it? But she stayed just about in control.
‘I won’t lower myself by replying to that.’
‘LOL, suit yourself honey.’
Again she breathed in deeply, because breathing out might have incinerated the monitor, and then grasping the table, and through gritted teeth she released her grip and typed again.
‘When then?’
‘When then what?’
‘When are you coming Phil?’
The long pause again, Jenny sighed and then slumping back closed her eyes, it took several seconds before the messenger alert jingle brought her back. She opened her eyes and surveyed the screen desolately.
‘ I don’t think I’ll be seeing you for quite some while doll, certainly not again this year… maybe we can hook up again in the New Year.’
She let out an almost manic scream at this announcement, and then pounded her response on the keys.
‘Its FUCKING May now Phil, I can’t wait SEVEN FUCKING MONTHS.’
‘I’m sorry…but it’s take it or leave it honey.’
Angry tears now, Jenny was never in control with Phillip… and she so much had to be in control and that would surely only be a matter of time, if only she could get him for herself.
‘What about leaving her Phillip?’
‘Eh! What about it?’
‘We talked about it remember?’
‘I think you talked about it love I only listened, blimey that has never been an option sweetheart, I mean I love my wife don’t I?’
‘You’re a lying bastard Phil.’
‘OOOO! You love me really honey, you do and you know it. Listen I’ll be in touch…but got to go now. Night, night doll be good and if not don’t get caught.’
‘Kiss, kiss…sweetheart I’ll do my best to make it up to you...promise I will.’
‘Yeah!!! I’ll believe that when I see it.’
Oh so this bastard had others did he? Well she’d just have to try harder to be his number one is all.
‘Keep in touch Phillip…you know I love you.’
‘Goodnight sweetheart.’
12:30-1:00: Twice a week, Quick Thrill Bill mid fifties?
‘Hey Billy boy come and talk to me…I need you tonight baby.’
Jennifer now needed someone to adore her, some adulation from a man who didn’t fear showing his desire, Quick Thrill Bill an American was online and he fitted the bill just nicely. She giggled like a little girl again when she saw that Bill was responding almost immediately.
‘Talk of the devil…I was just feeling the same thing JC.’
‘How are you sweetie?’
‘ I’m fine honey pie, my dick is already getting hard as hell, and I’m thinking about it nestling between your fantastic soft tits.’
‘OOOOO TY kind sir, that sounds lovely by the way, I LOOOVE the idea of your big hard cock lying here, glistening and SOOOO so hard between my tits.’
‘I want to play JC, do you want to play?’
‘Oh yes…oh yes I want to play Bill, I want to play SOOOOOOOO so much.’
‘God! Fuck you’d make any man real happy JC.’
‘Teehee!! I’m teasing my nipples my tongue right now Billy, can you imagine that?’
‘OOOOOOH man!!!!!!!!!’
‘Are you ready for some fun honey?’
‘ I’m always ready for you JC.’
‘Web cams on then and we’re ready to go.’
Twice during the week once at weekends: Jenny’s parents.
On the drive to her parents the next day, Jennifer made a quick stop at the supermarket to visit a hole in the wall. Still very angry from the night before about a lost weekend, she cut up another male driver and took the parking spot he was waiting patiently to occupy. The driver wound down his windscreen as Jennifer casually without a hint of embarrassment vacated her car.
‘Thank you so fucking much darling, I must do the same for you sometime.’
Without turning Jennifer raised her middle finger.
‘Fuck off you arsehole.’
Thank God there was no queue at the cash point, she was fighting so hard to get back to what was usually second nature to her, her second nature the calm professionalism but with definite sweet femininity that she exuded during the day. She’d have to dig deep to find this other side or mum would be onto her.
Her anger though was now thankfully abating being forced away…until that is he appeared on her near horizon with her. It was Martin her ex husband with the bitch that he’d left Jennifer for. Ignoring each other would have been just too weird, a bit like two colliding planets deftly and unnaturally sidestepping each other at the last moment.
‘Hello Jen,’ he said looking stunned, sheepish when he spotted her.
‘Hello Marty,’ she replied coolly enjoying his guilt…his fear of her. She then looked at this new woman in his life…this was her first real good look at the (heavy) woman that he’d left her for three years ago.
‘This is Sandra…I don’t know if you know each other, but as you can see she’s expecting our first child.’ Martin continued nervously.
‘Yes I do, I do see…congratulations Marty…and of course you Sandra, I don’t think we’ve actually met before but your face is so familiar, I must say you two look well suited.’ She offered her hand, then smiled cruelly as she surveyed the rather plump dumpy woman that Martin valued more than her.
‘Thank you, I don’t think we’ve met though but it’s a small world so who knows.’
‘It is indeed, it is…well look I’m sorry but I have to shoot; mum is expecting me for lunch. Listen hope you two get what you want and I’ll try get something to you to celebrate the arrival of whatever you’re lucky enough to get.’
‘Thanks Jen…I mean that is really nice of you.’ Marty replied gratefully.
‘Yes that is so kind Jennifer considering…’ Continued Sandra haltingly.
For a moment the silence was indeed thunderous, Jennifer’s smile remained sweet and demure, as she thought how she could quite easily skewer these pair of cunts, without a moments regret.
‘Yeah well…I guess we have all have to move on and not let the past grind us down. You’re looking well Marty, I’m glad you’ve found happiness, glad you’ve found your someone.’
After a momentary nod, goodbye and the exchange of awkward glances, they parted as weirdly as they’d accidentally connected.
The rest of the drive brought back those angry tears, Jennifer would have to take this anger and hurt out on someone, not now of course, but there was always the nighttime and the list of her messenger men. There was one in particular on that list.
Late May had been nice like a good mid-summer in fact, the two women sat at a table drinking wine contentedly in the vast back garden, in amongst them children played tag with granddad, and others stroked the good natured Carney family Labrador Spike. Wives stood and talked and drank their wine, husbands stood apart drinking beer, managing to cinder burn sausages on the barbecue. Jenny looked on at the happily married couples, trying so very hard not be jealous of her brother and two sisters.
On the surface she was enjoying this fun of a family get together, but internally things were building up and tearing her apart. She was aware of her mother’s eyes, her increasingly longer probing side-glances at her; she pretended not to notice and heightened her laughter to try and deflect her mother’s attention, but to no avail.
‘Jen?’ Came that so, so familiar soft concerned, questioning whisper. How did she do that thought Jennifer, hone in every single time she knew something was wrong.
‘Yes mum,’ she replied without facing her mother knowing it might give something away, ‘gosh the kids are growing so fast, and I just love seeing them so happy and healthy.’
‘ Yes I know they’re lovely and beautiful, I’m so very proud of them.’
‘So am I mum, Kevin, Sharon and Gill have done you and dad proud as kids, producing such wonderful Grandkids for you both.’
‘I’m proud and love of all my kids Jenny…equally so and like all good mothers I worry about them all the time…and just recently one in particular.’
Jenny still looked away from her mother, looking for a fixed point in the distance to concentrate on. ‘No need to worry about me mum, I’m fine...really I am.’ She laughed again and pointed, ‘look at Bobby mum… hey steady on mate! You’ll fall and do yourself an injury!’
‘ Jenny when will you and I share the joy of your children…when will you make us the proud Grandparents of your children?’
Now this was a skill only mothers had, a simple phrase or question that could suddenly pin you hard and fast against a wall.
Jenny sighed, leaned forward and looked down. It was only then she realised she’d been turning the empty wine glass over and over in her cupped hands, fidgeting nervously giving it all away to her mother.
‘Please tell me Jen, tell your mum what’s wrong…you can tell me anything you know that don’t you? Nothing will stop me loving you darling, I want to help… so tell your mum, will you please.’
‘Yes I know that mum…you, my family and my friends mean everything to me, and if I can’t confide in you who can I confide in? But no nothing is wrong mum…just a bad end to a bad week I think, I’ll pick up I always do…and who knows I just might smile and just might meet the right guy next week.
Mrs Carney looked at her thirty two year old beautiful daughter anxiously, she…Jenny was lying but then again she always did, the only chick in her brood that mum couldn’t quite read fully, but she didn’t press because there was now something dark about this girl, something dark that hadn’t always been there, but now that dark something was taking her over.
‘I hope you find this Mr right soon Jennie, please make it soon.’
‘So do I, I’ll keep looking mum, but you know for every prince out there today there’s ten thousand frogs to kiss first, and believe me I know.’
‘Goodness!!! What is wrong with men today, you’re so beautiful, loving and intelligent Jenny… are all the men out there today fools?’
‘Mum, are all men fools, what’s wrong with men today? You really don’t know? Where shall I begin…where shall I begin?’
23:30-00:15: Colin 44 single, sad and very lonely
‘Hello honey.’
‘Oh hello Jennifer what a lovely surprise…I didn’t expect you tonight, I thought your friend was staying with you.’
‘Well I’m here if you want to talk about it.’
‘I know Colin, you never let me down…you’re always here for me.’
‘Couldn’t your friend make it?’
‘Yes he could have, but didn’t.’
‘Oh I see… did you fall out?’
‘Yes we fell out because he didn’t want to make it…he didn’t want to try hard enough to be with me, the obstacles were too much he said.’
‘LOL! And that’s not good enough if you want to be with me, I don’t accept poor excuses…in fact I don’t accept any excuses point blank…at all!’
‘Blimey I thought you were a sweetheart.’
‘No Colin I’m BAAAAAAAD and very, very mean.’
‘No you’re not Jennifer, you’re lovely.’
‘LOL! Why TY Colin honey, you’re just so sweet to me always.’
‘I’d walk if I had to…anywhere just to be with you.’
‘LOL! I know you would Colin, as I said you’re a real sweetie.’
‘I can’t express what you mean to me Jennifer, I really can’t.’
‘Can I see you now Colin?’
‘Will you turn your web cam on for me, so I can see you.’
‘Oh the web cam, yes of course I will.’
‘What did you think I meant Colin?’
‘Well, just for a moment I thought you wanted to meet me.’
‘Do you think that would be a good idea Colin?’
‘I’d love to meet you JC.’
The signal to accept Colin’s invitation to view web cam luckily came on screen, enabling her to deflect the conversation.
‘OOOOO I’ll accept shall I?’
‘Oh…yes ok, well you did ask you big Nelly.’
‘LOL! Of course I did, sorry I’m having a blonde day.’
At that moment the top right corner of the screen flickered, and there appeared the slightly jolty but clear image of a gaunt rather plain looking man, looking pensively at the screen, Jenny’s smile broadened and her body shook as she gave a little shuddered giggle of revulsion.
‘OOO! Colin you’re a good-looking guy and very, very tempting and that’s no mistake.’ She was, of course, lying again.
Hunting for fresh meat (usually during a lull) a few weeks later
There was always a quiet period where Jenny could stock up on her larder. Men came and went, some wanted too much, some too little; some were too slow and some were just too quick. But there were always plenty of chat rooms, sites and forums on the net where she could find the type of men who were looking for the type of woman like her.
She was versatile and multitasked, she had no specific niche, so no nothing was too much for her. But you had to meet her standards, and depending on how good you were, on how much you opened up depended on how far up the ladder you got, from text messages on the screen to web cam exhibitionism, and then from titillating phone sex conversation onto dating and finally if you were good enough Jenny would be your full time mistress.
She in particular enjoyed the art of being handily placed to help other relationships just break up that little bit faster, by being that special consoling friend. All of this of course, just until she found her Mr Right. Some might say double standards? Jennifer on this issue luckily seemed to have convenient lapses in memory.
It was 9 pm when the little notification bar appeared in the bottom right hand corner of her screen, an email message from Colin. She mouse clicked the tab curious to see what poor old Colin wanted to say to her.
‘Come and talk to me straight away, please,’ was the one line message.
She’d’ recently reigned back in her contact with him, he was getting far too heavy and beginning to demand more than she was prepared to give him. Rationing herself to him seem to cool his ardour, he was much more manageable and sedate with these isolated visits. Very occasionally she would treat him, tease him, tempt him and of course confuse him, yes there was so much fun to be had with desperate men the like of Colin, indeed it was much too early to throw him away. She waited five minutes removed the block from Colin’s name on the screen and clicked on his name again.
23:30-00:15: Colin 44 single, sad and very lonely
‘Hello Sweetie…is something the matter Colin?’
‘Hi, that’s Jennifer isn’t it?’
‘Well of course it is Colin…who else would it be?’
‘Well this isn’t Colin, this is actually Tom, Colin’s brother.’
Jenny’s eyebrows arched. Curious she licked the tips of her fingers sensually, she was fidgeting nervously. Contemplating. Tom was Colin’s younger brother by ten years, a rogue by all accounts according to Colin, the dark sheep of the family gone away, never heard of, seldom mentioned. But here he was, apparently wanting to talk to Jenny. What was this game going to be?
‘Well… hello Tom, bit of a shock but very nice to meet you in any case, I have to say Colin has told me quite a bit about you.’
‘Has he? I imagine nothing too complimentary though?’
‘LOL! He may say a few choice things, but your brother can’t hide his fondness for you Tom.’
‘HMMM! Well that fondness is undeserved.’
‘Well I can’t comment on that because I don’t really know you… yet.’
‘ Ah yes… well ok… But if you don’t mind I need to speak to you about him.’
Jennifer eyes glistened as her stare fixed onto the screen; she was an expert at the reading the minds of the other participants at the other end of this unique highway. She sensed this could be interesting.
‘Sure, of course but speaking of which where is our Colin? And err…why are you on his computer, not that I’m complaining you understand?’
‘Well, that’s a good question Jennifer. Well I’m here on Colin’s computer trying to figure out where he might be. Colin seems to have been missing for nearly a week.’
This was going to be interesting.
‘OMG!!! Are you sure? I don’t …believe this.’
‘Yeah! I know but he’s done it before but not for this long.’
Done it before? These words almost magnified ten times and jumped out of the screen at her. Done it before? What did that exactly mean?
‘Oh God!! Please tell me all what happened, God this is scaring the shit out of me.’
Jenny eyed the bottom of the screen; it stated that Tom was writing and then he stopped, he was obviously thinking about his response, hesitation like this always caught her attention, she always wondered what fresh thought was being added or what bad phrase was being deleted.
‘Well I got a call from mum saying he hadn’t been around for a few days, normally dad… well when he was alive that is would have checked or tracked him down or even got help, but… anyway I said I would come back. So here I am, I’ve come around here as soon as I do, and yes I’m afraid worryingly all the signs are here that Colin has done one again, a runner that is. The backdoor was unlocked, lights and television on, and here in his little office the computer is on. Colin has quite severe mood swings, and when they’re bad, they are really bad.’
‘Oh I see, this is absolutely terrible Tom, absolutely terrible. I don’t know what I can do…but please ask anything and I’ll try to help.’
After another brief pause the screen flickered again with another response.
‘First could I ask a big, big favour, could we view each other, it’s just that I like to see who I’m speaking to, I’m not a great fan of these chat things, I always think they hide so much that’s so important.’
Yes this was getting interesting.
‘I so, so agree Tom. Text and silly emoticons just can’t replace the true honest physicality of a face-to-face conversation. Ok I’ll invite you to accept the option to view web cam, click on accept. Then if you click on the web cam icon on your screen in the top right corner, you’ll offer me the same option ok?
‘Ok, thanks yes I see it, the little eye icon on a pod?’
‘Yes Tom that’s it.’
After a few seconds there was two way visual contact between the two of them.
Ah this was better much, much better. Tom might not have been the total antithesis of his gormless elder sibling, but he was much younger than the ten years Colin had spoken about surely? The smile said a lot, the cheeky dimpled endearing smile that was now widening into a sexy boyish grinning laugh, the guy was a charming bit of rough and no mistake. Jenny already fidgeting excitedly was never very good at masking her lust for men and she realised she was doing this now.
‘Well hello again Tom, sorry to ogle… I just wish this meeting had been under different circumstances.’
‘Ah I see now.’
‘See what?’ She asked smiling intriguingly.
‘I can see why my silly old thing of a daft brother… has become infatuated with you.’
‘Why thank you Tom, but like I said, maybe this is not the time or the place.’
‘No excuse me, I didn’t mean it like that. No just seeing you explains why Colin has done what he has done.’
She gave her best-puzzled expression despite the insinuation.
‘Oh I see…well I think I do anyway, you’re not blaming me are you Tom?’
Tom shook his head, still smiling, but a little of something other than amusement was in his eyes now. He wasn’t shaking his head to allay her suspicions, more to confirm them.
‘Yes well it all becomes so much more clearer now.’
‘Well all of this here, all that I have before me now.’
‘All of this here in this tiny room is you Jennifer.’
‘What do you mean everything is me? Look Tom I don’t think I like this, I come online and you ask for help about your brother and I get this bloody nonsense. What the hell is going on here?’
‘How on earth could I be talking to you now Jennifer…unless something led me to you?’
Oh what was this then, she wondered. Time to turn off the flirting and get serious.
‘Your brother and I talk very occasionally Tom…I imagine I’m on his email list, as well as the contacts list, but I can assure you I hardly know him.’
The smile had gone now; his eyes had lost the cheeky allure and instead they emitted a cold stare. He continued.
‘Did you know he wrote in his journals about you …silly poems, silly thoughts and silly old Colin dreams? Jennifer did you know my brother is obsessed with you? Did you know Colin saved and archived all the conversations between you and him?’
Oh Control, oh control oh how she needed to be in control. She tried to match his cool stare but switching off the cam was tempting and seemingly a more sensible option, but this would be an admission of defeat to this new man…and new men weren’t allowed to beat her, certainly not this early. So the stupid jerk saved all their conversations did he, oh god and she thought that was her special trick. And oh yes, those bloody stupid poems of his.
‘No I didn’t Tom…but now of course I do.’
‘Yes, in fact it appears they may have been the last thing he was reading before he left, because here they are these so called very occasional conversations…that happened virtually every night for the last six months…I wonder why he left them up Jennifer, I wonder why?’
‘Do you always read other people’s private conversations Tom, do you? If I can be candid… in fact I will, I find that rather distasteful.’
‘Well forgive me Jennifer, but these just might help us find him or tell us what was wrong, I think that’s quite important don’t you? By the way do you always lie Jennifer?’
It would only take a click to get her out of this, but she’d learned through adversity how to fight and how to find the will to want to fight back.
‘I protect my privacy Tom and unlike you I respect your brother’s.’
‘Well I wonder? You certainly don’t respect his dignity judging by these conversations. First you lured him in, chased him and then gradually ever so gradually he began to chase you, and oh you him made chase didn’t you? Until finally he was chasing cyber shadows.’
Her finger hovered shakily over the mouse button her body was tensing; Tom’s mini revelations were hitting her like little electric aftershocks one after the other. But still she stayed.
‘Colin and I are both adults Tom…we both knew what we were doing. And as for not being there for him, well unless I’m a mirage, here I am tonight.’
‘Really, well I know my brother better than you…and we both know he wasn’t ready for the likes of you.’
She made Tom see that she was giving an exaggerated sigh.
‘Look Tom - this is getting very tiresome, you’ve obviously been a very, very busy boy, but you’ve come up with some rather inaccurate hasty conclusions about me. I care about your brother Tom, I really do; we’ve shared a lot in the six-months, he’s opened up and confided with me and I in turn with him…we both got a lot of good out of it and helped each other. But your brother wants more, much more than realistically I was ever prepared to give, I really did try to make him understand time and time again I really did…he just wouldn’t listen or believe I’m afraid.’
Tom smirked disdainfully.
‘The pictures were a nice touch JC some interesting poses I must say, the web cam invitations another. Kind of forced them on him didn’t you no?
‘Ha! Do you see him complaining Tom? Do you see him refusing? You do him discredit, he’s not as naïve and sweet as he appears. And believe me or not, I’m deeply concerned as to his whereabouts and safety. Look I can’t deny that I love to be adored, it would be silly of me with the conversations you have there in front of you, but in turn I really do adore all of my men in return. But I’m a nice girl Tom, misguided and easily led astray sometimes perhaps…but hand on my heart I’m a really nice person, honestly I am.’
‘Oh and here was me thinking of amongst others, tramp, liar, predator, man-eater and evil manipulator, silly me! But I wonder what my brother is thinking now, where he is and what he is doing? Funny thing Jennifer is that my mother said that during these six months, she’s never seen him look happier… but latterly never been so worried at the confusion and despair in his face. Jennifer for his and your sake I hope we find my brother…if we don’t…I don’t know what I might do. And no you’re not a nice person Jennifer, you’re a vicious, nasty bitch and not a very nice person at all.’
‘Tom please go and find your brother, and WHEN you do give him my love, tell him JC was concerned and misses him dreadfully. And think of me what you will Tom, I honestly couldn’t give a fuck…I’ve heard it before and no doubt I’ll hear it again…’ Jennifer stopped typing; she noticed Tom had switched off his cam and gone offline.
‘BAAASTARRRRRRRRRD!!’ She screamed into the monitor grabbing manically at each side of the screen.
She breathed in a heavily and nearly collapsed forward onto her keyboard, her head was in her hands, she was now sobbing… not remorsefully but angrily, her breathing was almost at hyperventilation level. But she forced herself up with effort and into the bathroom.
Slowly composing herself she bathed her face with the splash of cold water from the tap. She looked at her strained reflection in the mirror and hissed ‘I am nice girl…I am a nice girl…I am a nice girl…honestly I am.’ She then moved off towards her main bedroom.
Tom took a deep breath and sat back from the screen, the tension of all that had nearly blew him away. Jennifer was something else, for the first time he’d felt as if he was being sucked in; only prior knowledge, plan and preparation had given him the edge in this encounter with her. He turned slightly to his right, and there was his sitting brother just out of view of the camera lens.
‘Well Colin, do you see now?’
Colin’s gaze remained fixed on the screen, an almost longing look in his eyes as if wishing for her back.
‘Did she ever like me Tom? Did I ever mean anything to her anything…I know she meant an awful lot to me.’
Tom could feel the anger rising from the pit of his stomach, a sickly fury, and detestation for a woman and having to say such cruel words to his fragile brother.
‘Col, you meant nothing to her mate; you were neither a potential lover nor a friend even. All you were to her was a little midnight plaything, you only lasted this long because you adored her and that’s all she wanted from you.’
‘I see…do you think she’ll ever contact me again Tom, I could sense she was really angry tonight?’
‘She’ll never contact you again mate, I can assure you, her game is up she knows I know, she knows people will protect you now, she knows you now suspect.’
For the first time Colin looked directly into his brother’s eyes, his beginning to glisten with droplets of moisture, his body juddering ever so slightly his hands locked together in a double sized fist.
‘Why Tom?’
Tom could feel the fury rising again, instead he heavily sighed and without answering looked past his brother and off into space.
Every night: Jennifer 32 sad, single and very alone.
A few minutes later as if nothing had happened tonight, she returned refreshed, changed and ready to continue her hunt for fresh meat. A few glasses of a nicely chilled chardonnay from the wine rack would get her horny and naughty, just in the right mood so she could snare her fix for tonight. A chat room or a forum full of just the kind of men she wanted. This was the dark beauty of the Internet at its best in her opinion, that and living in a big city.
Tomorrow at 11 AM she would give a presentation to the board of directors, outlining the benefits of making the acquisition of a failing competitor in Greenwich. She would do this with cool supreme professionalism; she would win them over with her charm, her humour and her femininity all of these and of course the no nonsense competitive approach she was respected for.
Tonight on the dating forum however a gentleman from London calling himself the ‘The White Knight,’ was offering himself and the services of his magnificent charger, any lady who was in need of rescuing tonight just had to let down their drawbridges and let him in.
White knights today were a rarity, nothing like one’s Dad used to tell her about at bedtime when she was a kid. Life then was a big new adventure then full of wonder and expectation for a little girl like sweet Jenny, who would have thought that she would become this. She wondered about poor old Colin momentarily and then decided that he would probably turn up bedraggled and confused, walk safely into the family bosom.
Jennifer’s attention turned quickly to more important matters, assessing what kind of man this white knight might be.
‘Neanderthal male horny scum,’ Jennifer said to her self, ‘exactly what I need tonight.’
She clicked on his email tab, and in the subject bar typed…
‘Damsel in distress.’
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