On Winter Migration and Coherence
Posted: 30 January 2005 Word Count: 81 Summary: A poem in the form "Cascade" that I wrote for an online class I am taking. Its a firstish draft. (cheated a bit on the penultimate stanza) |
On winter migration and coherence
Inside crackling fire flames hot orange
orange like the barren sun that lingers outside
outside where the winter moon hangs waiting.
The storm has ended the land is altered
altered space of hallow wreaths in omen-ice
ice that forces trees, fawn or fall at Earth.
Trapped inside we scream at each other
other times we overlook our dis-content
content in bleak days excluding nature.
But today the hummingbirds arrived
arrived here! To drink from the icicles!
Inside crackling fire flames hot orange
orange like the barren sun that lingers outside
outside where the winter moon hangs waiting.
The storm has ended the land is altered
altered space of hallow wreaths in omen-ice
ice that forces trees, fawn or fall at Earth.
Trapped inside we scream at each other
other times we overlook our dis-content
content in bleak days excluding nature.
But today the hummingbirds arrived
arrived here! To drink from the icicles!
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