Sausage Sandwich
Posted: 18 January 2005 Word Count: 84 Summary: it`s about sausage sandwiches you buy from the caff.
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You big whore!
Inviting, inticing ;bite in ,what are you waiting for!
The profiteering cafe owner with knife cuts much fried sausage very thinly sliced .
A succulent meat to make your mouth water
Containing strangley aranged body parts mashed together. .
I crunch my teeth to a sad deceit adding by pouring from the bottle of sauce marked brown If it had any flavour it`s now proficiently drowned.
I must admit defeat and try to be meek and have a veggie sausage instead.
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Don Gorgon at 00:13 on 19 January 2005
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Lawrenco, nice one! I had a good laugh at this and the line with this in particular,
'strangley arranged body parts mashed together'
It reminded me of why I don't eat sausages! I too am a brown sauce lover man, I drown the flavour out of everyting with it.
Nice works
Peace and Love
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TheGodfather at 06:41 on 19 January 2005
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Such a big difference between a good sausage and a poor one. I can't say, however, that I've ever put any sauce on a sausage. I'm a purist I guess. You've created some clear images here though. Good work.
This has a misplaced modifier --- "Containing strangley aranged body parts mashed together my desire doesn`t falter." It says that 'the desire' is made of body parts instead of the sausage.
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Brian Aird at 09:14 on 19 January 2005
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Sausages made right, are great. But the other kind - lips and things UGH! I could say I'd wish I'd never found out what's inside, but the taste tells me it isnt really food. I think the so-called food has misplaced modifiers inside anyway and that's worse than a whore.
I wonder what they fake in the veggie one?
P.S. You can't beat a bacon roll with lettuce. At least you can recognise the contents.
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Lawrenco at 22:57 on 19 January 2005
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Hi Don, Brian ,Godfather.
Yes indeed Brian what does go in to make a sausage sandwich?
There are some really good veggie susages available,but not from the caff, those reconstituted veg mixed together the same crass way their meat cousins are made ,although without a membraned sheath...where is this going.
Don Happy you liked it may brown sauce users of the world unite!They`ll be question at H.P.
Godfather thanks for the FIXES always apprieciated.(taken the line out just for the moment.
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joanie at 00:04 on 20 January 2005
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Funny how a sausage sandwich can get us going! I love sausages! I can understand how people can be disgusted by the unknown body parts included, but it's all a matter of culture surely! I mean, tripe, liver, kidneys.....!
I would rather not know what's in them - if they taste OK that's fine by me.
Admit it, Patrick, I bet you love them too! I can't imagine that you'd want a veggie sausage! Contradiction in terms, surely!
Enjoyed it.
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gard at 17:50 on 22 January 2005
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Hi Lawrenco!
well the first line made me giggle ha ha! Very much in the vein of Roger McGough I thought (sorry if I got his name wrong) a sort of wry humerous look at something in everyday life. I could imagine him reading this in his dry tones!!!
As for the other: YUK, don't meat sausages have eyeballs and private wotnots in them too? Well having not eaten a burger since I was about 21 or something I guess I am in no position to complain. Some veggie burgers are bloody terrible anyway, its best to make your own. On the other hand I love those old cafes. They are about the only place you can get a decent mug of char, a good plate of chips and everything you need for a chip butty! (don't get them here in the States).
Nice write!
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Lawrenco at 21:02 on 22 January 2005
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Well Joannie ,I must admit to indulging on the odd good quality sausage, John the local butchers does provide some very adiquate prize winning sausages which are a delight to eat.
The cafe alternative sausage can be a very different story.-Although the goodens are out there ,my favorite is from a cafe in barnet,London,Where the cafe is cunningly disguised as it`s integral to a advertising hording.Top end of the Finchley Rd .
Hi G. I remember Roger McGough being the first poet to impress me when I was about 15.
It`s a real compliment for me comparing our style ,thanks.
I must say I think there are some realy good veggie sausages on the market i`m sure it`s the same in the states.
Chip butty? Thought it was north country thing .
You could start of a franchise in the states called the "greasy spoon" ,go down a treat
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Mr B. at 18:57 on 24 January 2005
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Nice one, Pat!
As I'm trying to diet you've tapped into my personal zeitgeist! That craving for something which is ultimately so unsatisfying!
Mmmmm, sausages!
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Lawrenco at 00:12 on 26 January 2005
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Yes aversion poetry:To be taken only in conjunction with detox diet -doing sunday roast next .
Nice one Anthony.
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