Season of Goodwill
Posted: 23 December 2004 Word Count: 408 Summary: A small article about Christmas |
The Season of Goodwill.
Do we really believe that today, as adults. Can we appreaciate the spirit of Christmas - not just the Religious part - but the goodwill to other people, even animals?
We seem to start missing the point somewhere around the stage of when its your turn to start buying presents, food, counting the money. You go out with 'x' amount of money and come back with nothing. You get fed up of spending - I know I have.
We read in the papers, and see on the news, animals being dumped to make way for new ones which will be probably dumped after when the child gets fed up of it, of wars, and killings.
But these things go on day after day all year and we always think do they have to do it now, at Christmas. Remember in the First World War (if my history serves me right) when both sides actually stopped shooting and joined together in No Mans Land and shared smokes and played football?
Oh, these things do occur. Though wait a minute. Have a look at this time of year through the eyes of a child - whatever their age - I always do it through the youngest you could possible think of - about 4, just in school, taking part in the nativity plays, the dark hall where they would do their PE lessons now covered in decorations and with a large tree aglow with lights. I looked at my primary school's whilst taking my daughter in the day after the teachers had spent about 2 hours putting up the decorations the night before and thought it looked magically. the delight they see in meeting Santa in a city centre, seeing decorations being turned on at night when its cold and wet (I know, I did it this year). You must agree that seeing those bright Christmas lights do bring a bit of cheer to the cold winter months of December.
So whilst we go about spending our money, fighting the crowds, let us remember that we do this every year for the children! That one day, when they no longer believe in Santa and they give us hugh lists of big expensive things like MP3 players, DVD players and don't want Lego, or Teddy Bears any more and, worse still, no longer believe in Santa, we will wish they were little again.
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