Desultory Incarceration
Posted: 14 November 2004 Word Count: 85 Summary: A point of desperation, followed by such joyous hope, dashed by pre-determined separation, but all is not lost-yet!
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I am desecrated by my emotion that tumultuous moiling sea of passion and despair that washes over me
For I have wronged so heinously no one but God can see and Lucifer has penanced me in this mire of misery
But listen the heraldic Angel sings and fate steps in with you but just as fast that Lucifer places oceans between you and me
And now I wait out this purgatory with all around not dead yet living without life in sorrow, grief and dread.
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juleschoc at 17:47 on 14 November 2004
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Oh dear..this poem makes me wonder what on earth you have done you poor soul lol. I feel quite sorry for you, Carlton. A good thing because your poem has evoked some emotion!
I'd be careful with your choice of words..rape for example doesn't seem to fit. I immediately associated it with a sexual assault. Also 'swirling sea' is a bit cliched.
Another thing you could think about is old poetic langauage...'thee' and 'Yet hark' the culprits. I took a poetry module at university and the lecturer advised somebody else who did this not to do it. Apparently it's 'old hat'.
Like some of the phrases here...mire of misery for example. Last two lines round it off well.
Might be an idea to write another poem or a short story about the terrible sin that caused this affliction!Go on..put me out of my misery and tell me all!!!!
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Carlton at 07:28 on 15 November 2004
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Good, Good, thank you Juliet. Yes, the original choice of words was spontaneous, but I could only ever see this piece from one perspective. At the time I did feel assaulted by them, but feelings are as changeable as the seasons. Not really such a terrible sin, more a time of extreme confusion and conflicting ideals. My work at this time is entirely to do with an evolving situation, not necessarily uploaded in any particular order.
Thanks for the critique, do the changes detract from the overall essence of it?
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Carlton at 15:48 on 15 November 2004
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No one takes themselves that seriously tuppence, besides, suicides painless, what's the point?
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Tuppence at 08:53 on 16 November 2004
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theme tune 2 mash wasn't it?suicide is painless i don't think so
that's y i write nonsense in between serious stuff
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