Indian Novel
Posted: 26 May 2003 Word Count: 11 Summary: Kakkathuruthu one of the villages in which half of the events take place in my novel, was once the dwelling place of all kinds of crows. Then humans
came there. The crows behave with intelligence. They can understand the language of people, but cannot speak. People believe that a crow never dies due to old age. That it becomes young at the time of other creatures go back to earth. Once in a year the people perform the death anniversary of the passed out souls.
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An Indian Novel after Arundhathi Roy's The God of Small Things
Comments by other Members
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roger at 10:05 on 27 May 2003
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Hi Joy...you summary looks interesting, but I'm not sure what you're saying in your eleven word upload. Sorry if I'm being thick, which I probably am, but, at least for me, a bit more explanation would be helpful. I can tell from your summary that you can write but...well as I said, I can't grasp what you're saying. Help?
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Jibunnessa at 23:27 on 27 May 2003
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Hi Joy,
Are you a fan of Arundhati Roy?
I liked 'The God of Small Things'. Very autobiographical. But, a shame she hasn't written another one since.
Anyway, perhaps you could put some of your novel up here. I like your summary. So, would like to read this work. Even if you havn't written much so far, I'm sure it would still be interesting reading.
Do you have a name for it by the way?
Anyway, all the best.
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roger at 07:47 on 28 May 2003
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Jib, the title is 'The Azure Of Solicitude' and the website www.novel.bizhat.com is well worth looking at.
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Zigeroon at 22:10 on 16 September 2004
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Outline sounds interesting. Are the crows the souls of beings before people came or are they souls waiting for people to join with? Look forward to reading the novel.
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lieslj at 08:38 on 28 March 2005
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Hey, Joy!
Where did you go?
We're not such a bad bunch...
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Nell at 21:24 on 09 May 2005
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Hi Joy,
I do wish you'd become a full member and upload some of this - I love Indian novels with a passion and have a thing about crows... and Crows...
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