You Built My Character
Posted: 25 July 2004 Word Count: 50
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hear those words you speak from a distance believe
venomous literature spoken society in the background with no reaction to your bite
judgemental verbal abuse hacks into one's mind to destroy esteemed self dignity
powerful strength I have you gave it to me thank you for such a wonderful gift
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Nell at 08:55 on 26 July 2004
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Hi Lottie. An ambiguous poem that made me think of the saying What does not destroy us will make us stronger... I've read this a few times trying to detect a trace of sarcasm or bitterness in the last stanza, but it eludes me. A thought-provoking piece.
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Account Closed at 09:57 on 26 July 2004
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Hi Lottie,
Made me think of one of Shakespeare's soliquoys.
It's good that you have strength in your character.
Is this poem a sharp attention to the publishing world?
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Ticonderoga at 11:54 on 26 July 2004
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Double/triple edged ambiguities; irony, cynicism, resentment, dark fulfilment; richly ambiguous and teasing. Keep scribbling!
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Lottie at 19:35 on 26 July 2004
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Nell - thank you for your comments - you are right when it comes to the saying. This was written a while ago, but I don't like the title for it much. Sometimes, I go blank when it comes to them. I like the fact that it has an ambiguous feel to it........and the last stanza could do with some changes - will ponder on that for a while.
SMcNay - thanks for your comments - this wasn't directed at the publishing world - as I have no intention of being published at all - however, it can be interpreted anyway the reader wants it to be. I actually wrote it about an ex who verbally abuse me - I feel that although extreme at the time he built me up in a strange kind of way :-) now i've seen the light (so to speak).
Mike - thank you for your comments, it gives me great pleasure to be encouraged to keep scribbling down my words - and that others find them intriguing to read :-)
All the best,
Lottie :-)
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