Posted: 02 July 2004 Word Count: 37
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embracing the vessel that can alliviate this grief my life on pause intimidated by the big screen contemplating self-destruction a consumer of capsules anticipating one last high before drifting out to sea back into to the deep
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olebut at 20:09 on 03 July 2004
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a true reflection of so many lives simple effective and profound
take care
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Kipper at 15:13 on 05 July 2004
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'lo Lottie. I'm hoping and assuming that Drifting isn't too personal? Don't do it lass! Very much like the idea behind back into the deep. back, like the sparrow in many northern cultures flying into the brightly lit hall and then back out into the dark. The big screen ? The bigger picture? - or how we're told things ought to be, in the movies?
Sweetly desolate.
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Lottie at 19:36 on 05 July 2004
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Alice and David, thank you for your comments.
Kipper - you assume correctly, this is not too personal, just words! I like the idea of the sparrow (never knew that about them!). Intimidated by the big screen = world. We live in the big screen.
Thanks for comments!
Lottie :-)
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Sam Rix at 21:01 on 07 July 2004
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Hi Lottie,
Glad that this was words you played with and not too personal! It read like desperation washing over the soul and a cry for answers, someone searching for an anchor, a release to help them through the choppy waves of a personal storm.
A well written piece, keep up the good work, I look forward to reading more.
Love and luck
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Lottie at 00:03 on 08 July 2004
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Thanks for your comments much appreciated - this was a piece I wrote a few years ago (when i was looking for answers to that most commonly asked question "what is life for"!!, was going through a questionable time in my life - have revisited this piece because the question came up again recently.
tweaked for the better I hope..and have definately found my answer :-)
thanks for encouragement.
Lottie :-)
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Sam Rix at 22:59 on 10 July 2004
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Hi Lottie,
I'm glad you found the answer.
I'd say the answer is always there, it's whether we individually have the patience and determination to wait for it to reveal itself.
I think we are stronger for passing through such trials.
An absent hug coming your way!
Sam :-)
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Lottie at 22:24 on 11 July 2004
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thanks for your kind words, you are right the answer is always there to reveal itself once we have learned from the questions we are asking ourselves.
for every knock that chips away at us, it sculps us into the beautiful people we are today :-)
(((to life and each new day))))
Lottie :-)
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