Bullet Magazine Interview
Posted on 18 June 2004. © Copyright 2004-2025 WriteWords
WriteWords talks to Bullet Magazine, publisher of rock 'n roll noir very short stories.
How did Bullet start?
Bullet emerged out of my own writing experiments. I realised I was wanting the sort of impact in my writng you could only get from rock'n'roll noir. This immediately lent itself to the crime/thriller genre. Also I've always felt short stories were too long and given that Ramones could turn out a song in 90 seconds or less, I felt r'n'r noir would suit very short stories. We put out a test issue last year which worked very well. The second issue is much fuller and deals a lot more with what we're trying to do.
What kind of writing are you looking for?
Short fast paced stories no longer than 1500 words that fit with the notion of r'n'r noir. For issue 3 we're also interested in doing some r'n'r criticism. The sort of stuff Lester Bangs used to do.
Who are your favourite writers and why?
David Peace and James Ellroy for their speed and energy, Jim Thompson for the ability to make you feel icky, Walter Mosley for his swing, Lester Bangs, Iceberg Slim, JM Cain, David Goodis, Harry Whittington, er can I stop now?
What excites you about a piece of writing-
Speed, swing, swagger, attack and a potent image.
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