Posted: 15 May 2003 Word Count: 99 Summary: I don't know if it's helpful to know this is from a sequence I'm working on called "Year". Yes, it is 12 poems and each poem is named after a month of the year.
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I would give you light this Christmas a bag of light. A paper bag so full it would burst its toughened seams to let the light I wish you take your heart in its vibrant beam and lift you high enough to see that where you end a light begins.
I would give you song this Christmas a breath of song. A simple breath so deep it would burst my shallow lungs to let the song I wish you take your heart on its fragile air and move you far enough to hear that where you start there’s singing.
Comments by other Members
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llydstp at 16:07 on 16 May 2003
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I've never read a poem that conveyed so strongly and simply, one person's love for another.
Every single word of it made me share the absolute joy of your love.
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fevvers at 17:08 on 16 May 2003
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Thank you Steve, I'm glad it's able to touch people in the way it touched me when I wrote it. Love poems are one of the hardest, but thankfully most commonplace, poems to write.
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Hilary Custance at 15:17 on 22 May 2003
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Hi Fevvers, I loved the accumulation in this poem, the way it swelled at each line, so that although it is very self contained, it has the quality of a silent firework. I would love to read more of the months - or others. Cheers, Hilary
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fevvers at 21:11 on 22 May 2003
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Thanks Hilary for your lovely comments, I like the analogy of a silent firework.
I'll be posting more of the sequence up in time I'm sure
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fevvers at 16:11 on 02 June 2003
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Thanks very much Lisa for your very kind comments.
I think it's emotion (and it's gentleness) is evoked in it's use of simple language which is one of the things I meant when I was looking at your Still Life.
You have the quietness of a still life juxtaposed with the subsumed anger and violence of the reaction to the operation and the point where I think this is so powerful is in your lines with the most simple language.
Thanks again
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olebut at 16:16 on 02 June 2003
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I think that this would be the Christmas to end all Christmas presents magical and beautiful what else could anybody ask for
take care
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LONGJON at 01:55 on 10 June 2003
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Am I right in assuming that the first lines in each verse mean "I would - if I could"? The middle lines are intriguing too, almost like a catch in the voice, a realisation that some things just will not be possible.
Succinctness can so easily become sterility can't it - well done for avoiding it.
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didau at 14:06 on 10 June 2003
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like the bursting 'paper bag' image - seems to capture the excitement of chistmas?
Reminds me of 'Valentine' by Carol Ann Duffy - but that'sa a good thing, n'est pas.
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Ellenna at 08:31 on 13 June 2003
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Simply expressed and exquisitely beautiful....a deep expression of love
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snoozy at 21:00 on 30 July 2003
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Hi Fevvers,
I love this, its gorgeous. Especially the idea of a bag of light, like a hidden wonder in an old brown paper bag.
It certainly puts the person you're writing about rather angelic, where they end light begins as though they are the light, and where they start its so wonderful that there is song.
I have posted some work and would love to have your criticisms of it if you ever have a mo.
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