Panic in RP
Posted: 23 April 2004 Word Count: 148
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It was the day of the school Christmas play. Oscar had got dressed without Mum shouting at him, as he was going to be a good boy today. Today was going to be very special. He was going to be one of the Three Wise Men and wear a tunic. This was very funny, because it was like a dress and boys don’t normally get to wear dresses. “Everyone get changed now,” said Mrs Percival. Within seconds, Class RP were stripped to vests and pants and pulling on their costumes. Everyone except Oscar. “Hurry up, Oscar,” said Mrs Percival. But Oscar froze. He had forgotten to put on his pants that morning. Everyone would see his willy. He ran into the toilet in tears, locked the door and didn’t come out until the show was over. “He must have just been nervous,” Mrs Percival reassured Oscar’s mum later.
Comments by other Members
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roovacrag at 16:44 on 23 April 2004
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This was great.
Yes, i could see my grandsons doing the same,especially Benjamin.
He would have never come out.
Well done.
xx Alice
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Anna Reynolds at 19:06 on 23 April 2004
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Naomi, this is hilarious and sad and cheeky- I could so imagine kids weeing themselves with laughter over this.
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Sue H at 19:21 on 23 April 2004
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Poor little guy! And on his special day too! Wonderful. Right inside the mind of a child.
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Colin-M at 08:59 on 24 April 2004
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You can't underestimate the panic a five year old goes through at the thought that a girl might see his willy.
I hope to hell my four year old reaches that stage soon. He shows his off to anyone he can.
p.s. - what inspired these short pieces. I read Sue's yesterday.
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haunted at 13:43 on 24 April 2004
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So real. I remember having a similar experience at about the same age, although it wasn't a willy i was worried people would see. I can still feel the shame. Such a terrible moment captured really well.
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Colin-M at 21:03 on 24 April 2004
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I was more scared about the girls seeing my underpants. I ended up missing PE for two weeks by hiding under the table. I got caught when the teacher offered a prize for the first person dressed. I just jumped out, then she remembered that I hadn't been doing PE at all. I was gutted.
Colin M.
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scottwil at 08:35 on 26 April 2004
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Just got this e-mail from my sons' school. Synchronicity. Made me laugh.
>Subject: Underpants Unclaimed!!
> >Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2004 13:29:48 +0800
> >
> >Hi everyone,
> >After swimming last Friday, a pair of pale blue underpants ( I presume
> >are a boy's), were left on the carpet in the classroom. No one admitted
> >being pantless under their shorts, so I'm just wondering if anyone
> >their child missing a pair.
> >Let me know if they belong to your child and I will pop them into the
> >school
> >bag.
> >Thanks,
> >Marion
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Beanie Baby at 22:48 on 27 April 2004
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This is sweet. Made me giggle. I can remember losing my knickers at a swimming class once. It was horrendous!!!!!
Could do with being a little bit longer, but kids would love it.
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Shani at 16:02 on 24 December 2004
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My 5 year old nephew would love this - he has a very lavatorial sense of humour.
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Myrtle at 13:33 on 10 May 2005
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Great stuff. My only criticism is that I wish it were longer...though as a short piece it works - just felt as though it would also benefit from a build-up of atmosphere.
Poor Oscar.
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