Mothers Day Aftermath.
Posted: 25 March 2004 Word Count: 8
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Community plants bulbs. Municipal pride waits.Ah! Flowered,Crocuses nicked!
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Fearless at 07:18 on 26 March 2004
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Hahahaha! In my town it's usually fire engines that get stolen at a moment of civic pride. Made me smile (again),
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Lawrenco at 14:05 on 26 March 2004
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Thanks Fearless, this is a true story! Riding past on my bike,seeing the beautiful croucheses in bloom .Then the monday after the nautural items had been removed ;perhaps there is a beeming Mother somewhere who doesn`t know these flowers ,were uprooted from there very own family!
Yes O.K delving too far into the realms of meladrama.I did manage to fit the 5-7-5,syllable of Haiku .I tried to fit a news headline kind of style to it .I don`t know if it worked? you gotta start somewhere..
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Account Closed at 19:59 on 27 March 2004
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I liked the drama of this very much - and now I've learnt another plant name, so educational at the same time!!!
Best wishes
Anne B
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miffle at 11:11 on 28 March 2004
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Lawrenco, I echo HollyB's comments re. the 'drama' of this piece. That is sad :-( And your deliberate misspelling of 'crocuses' - wickid! 'nicked' perfect word here! Write on, Nikki
'aftermath' - why does this word suggest 'blood' 'gore' 'carnage' to me...(?) Bit of a 'News At Ten' word... Was half-expecting this in the poem! Liked, therefore, the unexpected humour that I found!
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Skeetr at 12:48 on 28 March 2004
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Nice one, Lawrenco! I wonder if the thief managed to dust off the roots before handing them over to mum... :)
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Lawrenco at 16:26 on 30 March 2004
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Thanks for your thoughts .
I have changed a couple of things ,ie correct spelling ,also correct syllable count...Hopefully!
Thanks for your comments , miffle yes the headline thing was intentional...Perhaps it runs in the family!? I`m a frustrated headline writer ,and I take it out on Haiku!
Iggy ;I`m sure if I had nicked them,then I would have,made sure all the dirt would of gone. On my glanced investigation there was no dirt.
Iggy not that I do that sort of thing...-honest!
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Seahorse at 10:47 on 31 March 2004
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Definitely rang true.
I love "municipal pride".
Very peculiarly British!
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Lawrenco at 15:39 on 31 March 2004
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Funny that you say that Seahorse. I remember a trip to France [booze special],being the culture vulture that I am ,went on a local tour .You know the sort of thing,A4 piece of paper folded up three times dotted places of interst,a place called Guiness ,Stella hills etc.. I must admit the French really look after there electricity sub-stations surrounded by beautiful blooms .They do a good line in mussels and chips as well.
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