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by roger 

Posted: 07 August 2024
Word Count: 36

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We need trillions of trees
To soak up CO2
That’s what they’re there for
That’s what they do
But we chop them down
Millions at a time
To install solar panels
To me that’s a crime

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Comments by other Members

michwo at 15:37 on 08 August 2024  Report this post
You've had a go at rising to Bill's 'tree' challenge this week, Roger, and you deserve encouragement for it. If I get any more comments on my own contribution, "Trees", I'll point those who comment in your direction.

roger at 17:27 on 08 August 2024  Report this post
Thanks for that, michwo, very much appreciated. I don’t tend to do challenges because I tend to come last, but I had a go at this one and when I finished it I thought, ‘Wow, this is really good. I think I’ve won!’. I had a huge smile on my face. But then I saw yours – ‘Trees’. My shoulders sagged and my bottom lip quivered, quite violently. Then I thought, ‘Hang on, at least I’m second and I’ve never managed that before’. My huge smile returned, though not as broadly as the previous one. But – sigh – I then discovered that there were only two entries.  I’d come last – again! Sagged shoulders and quivering bottom lip returned and are still with me as I type. smiley

Bazz at 22:53 on 09 August 2024  Report this post
Love the brevity of this, very sharp and concise. Hopefully there's room for trees AND solar panels :)

roger at 06:38 on 10 August 2024  Report this post
Many thanks for that, Bazz – coming from you I’m feeling quite pleased with myself
Re solar panels and ‘climate change’ in general, I have very strong views on that. A while ago I wrote a heavily researched piece on it for a blog that never materialized. I have thought of posting it here because I’m quite proud of it, but it’s very long so I haven’t done so.
Thanks again for the comment.

crowspark at 13:25 on 24 August 2024  Report this post
Hi Roger, only just spotted this!
It is a good poem and a strong contender for my tree challenge.

If it helps, if you don't want to join a group (apart from general poetry) you need to let us know in the flash poetry thread that you have posted an entry so that we can look for it. I didn't know you had an entry :(

Kind regards

roger at 13:57 on 24 August 2024  Report this post
Thanks, Bill - It just popped into my head when I came across the prompt. Just posted it for a bit of fun. But thjanks for the kind comment - much appreciated.

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