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Boys Being Boys

by roger 

Posted: 29 July 2024
Word Count: 115

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My dad's bigger than your dad,
I heard the young boy say.
Oh no he's bloody not,
Snapped his plump counterpoint in play.
My dad could beat your dad up,
Any time he wants,
My dad's been a boxer,
Yours is just a ponce.
I intervened, now come on, lads,
What merit lies in might?
To turn the other cheek,
Takes more courage than to fight.
To be good friends,
Is what you should be trying hard to do,
Their expressions seemed to indicate,
That I was winning through.
Now come on, lads, why not shake hands
And share each other's load?
Piss off, they snapped in unison,
And ran off down the road.

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Comments by other Members

michwo at 15:30 on 08 August 2024  Report this post
This is reminiscent, for me at least, who can still vaguely remember them and him, of the 'odd odes' Cyril Fletcher used to come out with. I can only hope that other WriteWord members, apart from me and crowspark (a.k.a. Bill West), will start to pick up on these marginal contributions of yours eventually and comment.

roger at 17:36 on 08 August 2024  Report this post
I do rember watching Cyril Fletcher on a twelve inch black and white TV that kept blowing fuses smiley

Thanks for posting, Michwo - it's appreciated. 

PS - sorry about the P word, but I felt it absolutely necessary wink

Bazz at 22:48 on 09 August 2024  Report this post
Something of a timeless squabble this, boys haven't changed much in the years! It's a sharp piece with a good sense of humour and an inevitable feeling ending!

 I can only hope that other WriteWord members, apart from me and crowspark (a.k.a. Bill West), will start to pick up on these marginal contributions of yours eventually and comment.

I'm afraid pieces like this do get lost in the spam, if they're not uploaded in any of the groups...!

roger at 07:09 on 10 August 2024  Report this post
Thanks for the kind comment, Bazz – it’s much appreciated. It made me smile so I hoped is might make someone else smile, too.
And thanks for the plug smiley
I’ve WW messaged you re the groups.

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