Posted: 08 July 2024 Word Count: 202 Summary: Past and present
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I joined WW in 2003, and was an active member for around four years. I loved it. During those years though, I was developing strange and unpleasant symptoms that, by 2007, left me with the inability to do much at all, so I left WW. I’ve had chronic health issues since then. BUT, things have improved considerably during the last three or four years, and with a huge amount of help from a previous WW member – Shadow girl – I’ve managed to publish seven books on Amazon. For a few months now, I’ve been thinking about WW and whether or not to re-join, remembering how much I enjoyed it in the past. In fact, I nearly have done, several times. Well now I’ve taken the plunge. I do have a concern though. I have improved health wise, but I do still have bad spells, sometimes lasting for several weeks, so I may well end up being an erratic and rubbish member. Time will tell, but I hope not. So, fingers crossed. Finally, V’yonne was a member when I was still here quite a few years ago, and that’s great. She was and clearly still is a great asset to WW.
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