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Bayeux Tapestry

by crowspark 

Posted: 17 December 2023
Word Count: 57

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Slippery silk weave and stitch
madder, weld and indigo thread
sings a prescient song, the fate of kings,
as when direful darts fly and King Harold's
eye collide amid the fretful din of war
and chameleon like Harold's body lies
among the grim castings of mangled
Sussex dead, his thread snipped
short as were many lives.

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Comments by other Members

michwo at 14:16 on 18 December 2023  Report this post
Atropos was certainly busy that day, cutting threads left, right and centre, and not just that of King Harold
... his thread snipped
short as were many lives.​

'Slippery silk', 'prescient song', 'direful darts' and 'chameleon-like' are nice bits of alliteration here - the Anglo-Saxon poet responsible for "Beowulf" would be proud of you!
P.S. If you're interested I submitted "The Last of Harold" to either this group or Poetry Writers on 15 November 2017. It was my translator's take on "Schlachtfeld bei Hastings" ("The Battlefield of Hastings"), a long, ballad-type poem by Heinrich Heine. He seems to have known a lot more about this battle and its immediate aftermath than that it took place in 1066, which is what my own knowledge boils down to, I'm afraid.

crowspark at 10:09 on 19 December 2023  Report this post
Thanks Michael. I've had a look but cannot see "The Last of Harold"

V`yonne at 18:17 on 19 December 2023  Report this post
I love it, Bill.

crowspark at 19:06 on 19 December 2023  Report this post
Thanks Oonah.

alberta5 at 04:33 on 25 July 2024  Report this post
What is the reference to Atropos, the cutting of threads, and King Harold in the context of the poem, and what event in 1066 is being alluded to <a href="https://slope3.com">slope game</a>?


What is the reference to Atropos, the cutting of threads, and King Harold in the context of the poem, and what event in 1066 is being alluded to [url=https://slope3.com]slope game[/url]?

crowspark at 10:11 on 25 July 2024  Report this post
Hi Suzzanne - Atropos was a Greek goddess who decided the fate of men by cutting the thread of their lives.
The death of King Harold was the subject of the Bayeux tapestry which portrays the death of Harold at the hands of William the Conquerer in 1066.
Thank you for your enquiry.


1066 Battle of Hastings.

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