Tips For Teens II
Posted: 18 February 2004 Word Count: 11
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Smoking's neither big nor clever (It might impress the girls however)
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The Walrus at 20:53 on 18 February 2004
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Succint. Agree with the sentiment, but the flip side is, it is rather lovely and rather naughty. As for impressing the girls, well, taste of stale tobacco is not exactly an aphrodisiac.
Like your style.
The Walrus
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roovacrag at 20:56 on 18 February 2004
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I s this it?........ would have liked a bit more,as in black lungs,coughing,etc might as well go the whole hog darling. finish up with the coffin.
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Fearless at 20:59 on 18 February 2004
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It's bleedin' hilarious when, after rolling your own, you try to light it off the gas stove and set your perm alight.
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Elsie at 21:12 on 18 February 2004
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I think you could make something really fun out of a series of these. Keep at it..
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igbit33 at 21:16 on 18 February 2004
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Thanks Seahorse, gave me a good giggle
igbit. xx
(Oh fearless, a perm?!)
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Chem at 21:19 on 18 February 2004
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Me too. Sitting here laughing out loud...
Keep them coming!
Maybe it's a fearless perm?! Mine was when I was 12!
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igbit33 at 21:29 on 18 February 2004
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Damn that's funny, f.
I think perhaps frightful, Em.
This is all your falt Seahorse. Leave us with sharp wit on a Wednesday evening, and look what happens!
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Seahorse at 08:56 on 19 February 2004
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Thank you for all your comments.
Two downsides are that:
(a) all your messages have left my "comments sent/received" graphic looking hopelessly lopsided, so please post some stuff of your own ASAP to help me avoid looking so selfish! and
(b) the girls gave up long before the fags did; and
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tinyclanger at 09:18 on 19 February 2004
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Ah, the days when we thought smoking was cool..I remember them well, (cough)
Fearless with a perm..nice image..
Keep 'em coming Seahorse, great stuff.
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EmiliaDG at 17:53 on 22 February 2004
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I love these two liners of yours Seahorse and I agree, you should write a whole series! More please?
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Anj at 11:58 on 05 May 2004
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Can only echo the comments of those above - although I thought "Smoking isn't big or clever" would have flowed more easily (sorry to nitpick).
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