The Icera Stone-18 The Restaurant
Posted: 14 February 2004 Word Count: 2628 Summary: Dr Credus meets Erica... phew... things are beginning to warm up! |
Chapter 18 The Restaurant
Simon picked up Beth from the Brewery. When they arrived at the Paradiso, they were ushered to a discreet table at the back and he handed the headwaiter a tip.
‘Grazie Luigi.’ Simon smiled and the Italian took Beth’s coat as they sat. ‘So Beth, what did you make of this scientist chap?’
‘He was quite dishy.’
‘You haven’t got a thing for him, have you?’ Simon asked.
‘Hmmm…’ Beth looked at him with an innocent expression. ‘A thing?’
‘You know very well, anyway, more to the point what did he say about the crystal?’
‘He avoided the topic. I didn’t want him to tumble that I knew anything, but with a bit of luck, he’s going to give me an interview. I was stuck on the tube, and almost lost them across London.’
Simon’s attention was elsewhere. ‘My God!’
‘What is it?’
‘Damn… over there, by the window in the green dress, it’s Erica!’ Simon adjusted his chair to avoid being in direct view. ‘She said Sam had invited her for dinner, but I didn’t know they were coming here.’
‘Evidently.’ Beth turned her head and strained for a better look. ‘There’s no sign of Sam but that’s Christopher Credus.’
‘I think we’d better go…’ Simon mopped his brow with a napkin. ‘We could nip out the back.’
‘No way! What the hell’s wrong with you. I thought we were having a meal. Dammit… what does it matter if they see us… I’m a reporter on the Echo, there’s no harm in that. Actually, I might just go over and say hi. He promised me that interview, after all.’
‘For God’s sake, be serious.’ Simon looked uneasy. ‘I’m not supposed to be here.’ He continued to keep his head down.
‘Stop worrying, you’re paranoid, Simon, we’re only having a meal. You’ll have to give Luigi a bigger tip next time and we can go in the broom cupboard. Now, have you booked a room?’
‘At the Green Man. It’s in my name.’
Chris wore a white shirt, open at the neck and crisp grey flannels. He shot her look, which sent ripples of anticipation down her spine.
‘Did your husband mind?’
‘We have an understanding, we lead almost separate lives.’ Erica tried hard not to stare into his eyes. ‘Anyway, he told me he had a dinner appointment. I’m quite relieved, actually. Things are a bit fraught between us.’ She looked to judge his reaction.
‘Sorry to hear that.’ He briefly touched her arm.
‘It happens.’
He passed the menu. ‘So, what do you fancy?’
‘What are you having?’
‘Mmm… I think Sautéed Artichoke Hearts for starters followed by a Linguini Primavera.’
‘Primavera…’ Erica whispered.
‘It’s pasta with a Spring salad.’
‘I know… but… it was just…’ Erica paused. ‘I’ll have the same…’ She hesitated again. ‘It just brought something to mind.’
‘Let me guess, it reminds you of Botticelli?’
Erica beamed. ‘How did you guess? How wonderful.’
He hesitated wondering whether to admit he had gleaned that snippet from Sam. He could tell her later. He felt relaxed in her company. There was something very familiar about her, almost as if they had already known each other.
They ordered their meal. The waiter poured out a bottle of Frascati from the ice bucket and they raised their glasses in a toast.
‘To the Icera Stone!’ They both declared in unison.
Chris smiled at her. ‘I hope you didn’t mind my persuading Sam to let us keep it for more tests.’
‘Well, it’s my daughter who might be upset. I haven’t told her yet, because she’s away at friends for the weekend.’
‘Perhaps you’ll let me take you both out for lunch sometime.’
‘That would be lovely.’ Erica realised she wanted another chance to see him again. ‘Sorry Sam couldn’t make this evening, I hope he feels better soon.’
‘I’m sure he will, it’s just a chill…’
The waiter brought their starter.
Chris was sure Sam had overstated his condition intentionally. ‘I blame myself. I got a bit carried away out there exploring today, we got soaked. That probably brought it on.’
‘I can sometimes be up there with Jet for hours without realizing…’ Erica’s voice had become rather dreamy.
‘Sam and I had a good time looking at the ancient structures, and the old silver-mine workings.’
‘There’s a stained-glass window in the church showing miners in leather caps from the Middle-Ages.’
‘I must try to find time to see that before I go. The whole of this area has always fascinated me. It feels like coming home. I’m not sure if I’ll want to get back on the plane.’
Erica laughed. ‘You’re not serious?’
‘Hmm… it’s true… so anyway, back to the business... taking your find to Sam, was certainly a stroke of luck.’
‘I’m dying to know everything you’ve found out about it, for a start, what is it made of…’
‘A rare compound we call a polymorph. Silicon that’s undergone diogenesis, that’s a change in its molecular pattern.’
‘You mean like making a diamond from carbon.’
‘I’m impressed.’
‘Sam explained that to me.’
‘No wonder you’re well briefed, we’ve had the same teacher.’
‘Sam’s great,’ agreed Erica.
‘GSQ happens to be a specialism of mine, but even I have never come across such an unusual specimen before.’
‘GSQ?’ She was none the wiser.
‘Germanium Silicon Quartz.’
‘Germanium, don’t tell me, that must have originally been found in Germany, right?’
‘Spot on… actually, in a silver mine, to be precise.’
‘So, is it possible the crystal may have been formed here?’
‘That’s difficult to say. Quartz crystals are discovered along the Dorset coast all the time, but nothing like this one.’
‘Chris, your accent has a familiar ring, whereabouts are you from originally?’
‘Quite correct Miss Marple, I was born in Teignmouth.’
‘Ahh… so being here in Dorset is coming home for you. Now I also understand why you know so much about the minerals around here. So, what else have you discovered about my crystal?’
‘There is something quite amazing. The Stone has some very interesting properties. We’re looking for materials capable of producing photons in entangled states.’
Erica looked intrigued. ‘Entangled states?’ The words came out with more sensuality than she’d intended.
‘Right… two places at the same time. Einstein called nonlocality, spooky action at a distance.’
She looked puzzled. ‘I knew the Icera Stone was magic, but how can anything be in two places at the same time?’
‘How much do you know about quantum mechanics?’
‘I once remember reading something about a dead cat.’
‘Ahh…’ He smiled, ‘… Shroedinger’s Cat!’
‘That’s the one.’
‘Uncertainty Theory suggests that a quantum can both be there and not be there, at the same time.’
‘And the cat?’
‘Basically, he argued that if the quantum, could be linked to a trigger, it could kill his cat.’
‘But surely, if the quantum wasn’t there, then how could his cat be killed?’
‘Exactly, got it in one.’
She was pleased. The wine seemed to be helping her to think. ‘Well, that bit seems pretty obvious to me.’
‘But results say the reverse.’
‘What, he killed his cat?’ Erica looked serious. ‘Killing a living thing is no joke.’
‘It was a theoretical cat, but you’re right of course. However, it’s not always so easy to know where to draw the line with living things, after all, a virus is a form of life, one could argue even a computer virus.’
‘I’ve never heard of a friendly computer virus.’
‘Maybe not, but what if we could create consciousness, would you be opposed to that being switched off?’
Erica thought for a few moments. ‘You mean in a computer? It sounds like a sci-fi film. I suppose it would depend.’
‘True… after all, life could include anything from a bath sponge to Beethoven.’
‘Sometimes my mind feels that it has an awful lot more in common with a soggy sponge.’ Erica laughed. ‘But you’re surely not saying you’re close to creating life?’
‘Not life capable of reproduction, but the next step in artificial intelligence - a machine that can think for itself.’
The waiter brought the main course, and Chris refilled their glasses.
She smiled into his eyes. ‘This wine is nice. So how would you do that?’
‘A digital computer uses switches, yes and no. A quantum computer uses q-bits, they have more than two states, yes, no, and the superposition of both.’
‘You mean yes, no and maybe? It must have problems making up it’s mind.’
He smiled. ‘Events are forced to occur in quantum states just like the human brain, it uses photons too.’
Erica wondered if the wine was putting her mind into a quantum state. She latched onto the only part of her GCSE science course that seemed to relate. ‘I know what a photon is… a particle of light.’
‘Absolutely.’ Chris continued. ‘There’s an unseen force that exists throughout the universe, we suspect consciousness may be related to that.’
‘Mmm… you mean magnetism?’ She leaned towards him. Candlelight reflected in his eyes. Her mind became alive to numerous possibilities.
‘Similar…’ He was suddenly aware of how attractive she was. ‘If we can begin to understand how it works, it might be the key to the next step, to supersede the silicon chip.’
‘A bit like the stage in evolution when animals evolved souls?’ She tried to move the topic closer to her own grasp. ‘And as far as the Stone is concerned, what does it mean exactly?’
‘Erica, your Stone is very special. We need to discover if there are others in the area. I’d love you to help me.’
She felt alarmed, as she suddenly realised the implication. What about the Oakenland? Surely it might put it under threat. Yet, she did not want to ruin any budding friendship. Erica’s heart dipped. ‘Have you told your company?’
‘Not yet, there are more tests to be carried out.’
‘I see,’ said Erica thoughtfully.
‘What’s wrong? You look concerned?’
Her eyes glazed over as she stared into the reflections in her wine glass. The two candles on the dining table turned into two fires, the flames lit up the faces of Wyllow and the Hendasfolk. ‘But the Oakenland… it’s so ancient…’
‘Sam mentioned your involvement with this place, but if we don’t investigate it, someone else might get in there first.’
‘But not if you don’t tell them.’
‘You can’t keep an exciting find like this quiet, no matter how hard you try.’
‘I’m beginning to realise that.’
‘But you’re right, for the time being, it is best to keep quiet. The cat could easily get out the bag.’
‘That wouldn’t be Shroedinger’s Cat, would it?’
Chris laughed
‘You really think others could be interested if they found out?’ Erica glanced nervously around the restaurant. She felt her heart sink. Oh no, what are they doing here? She had suddenly caught sight of Simon with the young reporter, who she had seen with him at the Skimmity.
‘What’s up?’
‘Nothing,’ she said, hurriedly. She did not want Simon and that woman spoiling her evening. Hmmm… so it's that copper-haired young reporter, is it? Well, two can play at that game. ‘I’m sorry, I was distracted I thought I recognised someone.’ She tried to regain her composure. ‘It’s just the idea that the Oakenland might have diggers ploughing across it.’
Chris continued, ‘Well, I wouldn’t worry, it’s far too early to tell if there are any more deposits. So, we can forget about that for a while.’ He smiled and poured out the remaining wine into her glass. ‘We will have to tread carefully, it might be declared treasure trove… in which case, the owners of the site might have a right to it, if they get to hear about it. The land is owned by the Church isn’t it?’
She looked thoughtful. ‘But the Church wouldn't let anything happen to the Oakenland. It is part of our heritage and far too beautiful to change.’
‘As I said, we needn’t worry about it at the moment.’
The attraction between them grew stronger, and when coffee arrived Erica was feeling she did not want the evening to end. She excused herself while Chris attended to the bill. She stared into the cloakroom mirror. She found something about Christopher Credus compelling, something more than his appearance or even his mind… she felt some deep connection to his very soul. Yet she was worried about the the Oakenland. Could she demand the return of the crystal… if she did, would it mean an end to any relationship?
After a few minutes, she regained her composure, and returned to find Chris ready with her coat. She slipped it on, and the waiter ushered them to the door.
‘I hope I didn’t bore you with all that shop talk?’
‘No, not at all, quite the contrary, it made a change to be able to discuss such interesting things over the meal, it was truly fascinating.’
‘My pleasure, I assure you. You know, somehow I keep getting this strange feeling that we have met before,’ said Chris, with a twinkle in his eye.
‘Yes,’ agreed Erica, ‘it does feel a bit weird.’
It was raining. Neither had brought umbrellas and for a few seconds they stood under the canopy of the restaurant.
Erica suddenly exclaimed, ‘My husband was in there all the time.’
‘Really, why didn’t he come over?’
‘He was with another woman. I’m sorry if I seemed distracted’
‘I’m not surprised. How are you feeling now? Shall I drive you home?’
‘No Chris, I want to stay with you.’
‘Come on then, but we'll need to run to the car.’ He took off his jacket and placed it over both of their heads and took her by the hand.
The rain was gusting in their faces as they half ran down the dimly lit street. Coming out from the warm restaurant into the cool wet night air, made them gasp. Then, they started to laugh.
Despite sheltering under Chris’s jacket when they arrived at the car, they were soaked through, but they could not stop laughing. Chris opened the driver’s door of Sam’s Volvo and ushered Erica in.
‘I thought you were driving?’
‘I must have had a quantum leap back to the States,’ he joked. He looked at her body through the rain soaked dress and smiled. ‘I guess it was my turn to be distracted.’
Erica found it endearing that someone so intelligent could forget the right side for the steering wheel. She was excited too. She could detect anticipation in his voice. Erica’s senses were aroused.
She watched his eyes as he scanned her body. Erica’s low cut green dress clung to her. It had become partially see-through in the rain.
The meal and the wine, the deep ranging conversation, the shock of cold rain, and now finally Chris’s gaze, all combined in her mind. Her nipples tingled as they pushed up against the wet fabric of her dress.
‘For some reason, getting so wet just seems to be the most wonderful thing to do.’
‘The contrast from the warm dry restaurant is exhilarating.’
They sat in the car.
Erica shivered as she felt the wetness, cold against her skin.
‘Are you warm enough?’ He leant over to the back seat and retrieved a travel rug. ‘Throw this around you.’
They set off back along the dark country road. Every now and then, they had to slow down in order for Erica to give directions.
She looked out into the darkness. ‘Wait a minute you went wrong. This isn’t the way back to Membury.
‘We're not going to Membury, we're going to Witchbury. I’ve booked a room at the Green Man.’
Simon picked up Beth from the Brewery. When they arrived at the Paradiso, they were ushered to a discreet table at the back and he handed the headwaiter a tip.
‘Grazie Luigi.’ Simon smiled and the Italian took Beth’s coat as they sat. ‘So Beth, what did you make of this scientist chap?’
‘He was quite dishy.’
‘You haven’t got a thing for him, have you?’ Simon asked.
‘Hmmm…’ Beth looked at him with an innocent expression. ‘A thing?’
‘You know very well, anyway, more to the point what did he say about the crystal?’
‘He avoided the topic. I didn’t want him to tumble that I knew anything, but with a bit of luck, he’s going to give me an interview. I was stuck on the tube, and almost lost them across London.’
Simon’s attention was elsewhere. ‘My God!’
‘What is it?’
‘Damn… over there, by the window in the green dress, it’s Erica!’ Simon adjusted his chair to avoid being in direct view. ‘She said Sam had invited her for dinner, but I didn’t know they were coming here.’
‘Evidently.’ Beth turned her head and strained for a better look. ‘There’s no sign of Sam but that’s Christopher Credus.’
‘I think we’d better go…’ Simon mopped his brow with a napkin. ‘We could nip out the back.’
‘No way! What the hell’s wrong with you. I thought we were having a meal. Dammit… what does it matter if they see us… I’m a reporter on the Echo, there’s no harm in that. Actually, I might just go over and say hi. He promised me that interview, after all.’
‘For God’s sake, be serious.’ Simon looked uneasy. ‘I’m not supposed to be here.’ He continued to keep his head down.
‘Stop worrying, you’re paranoid, Simon, we’re only having a meal. You’ll have to give Luigi a bigger tip next time and we can go in the broom cupboard. Now, have you booked a room?’
‘At the Green Man. It’s in my name.’
Chris wore a white shirt, open at the neck and crisp grey flannels. He shot her look, which sent ripples of anticipation down her spine.
‘Did your husband mind?’
‘We have an understanding, we lead almost separate lives.’ Erica tried hard not to stare into his eyes. ‘Anyway, he told me he had a dinner appointment. I’m quite relieved, actually. Things are a bit fraught between us.’ She looked to judge his reaction.
‘Sorry to hear that.’ He briefly touched her arm.
‘It happens.’
He passed the menu. ‘So, what do you fancy?’
‘What are you having?’
‘Mmm… I think Sautéed Artichoke Hearts for starters followed by a Linguini Primavera.’
‘Primavera…’ Erica whispered.
‘It’s pasta with a Spring salad.’
‘I know… but… it was just…’ Erica paused. ‘I’ll have the same…’ She hesitated again. ‘It just brought something to mind.’
‘Let me guess, it reminds you of Botticelli?’
Erica beamed. ‘How did you guess? How wonderful.’
He hesitated wondering whether to admit he had gleaned that snippet from Sam. He could tell her later. He felt relaxed in her company. There was something very familiar about her, almost as if they had already known each other.
They ordered their meal. The waiter poured out a bottle of Frascati from the ice bucket and they raised their glasses in a toast.
‘To the Icera Stone!’ They both declared in unison.
Chris smiled at her. ‘I hope you didn’t mind my persuading Sam to let us keep it for more tests.’
‘Well, it’s my daughter who might be upset. I haven’t told her yet, because she’s away at friends for the weekend.’
‘Perhaps you’ll let me take you both out for lunch sometime.’
‘That would be lovely.’ Erica realised she wanted another chance to see him again. ‘Sorry Sam couldn’t make this evening, I hope he feels better soon.’
‘I’m sure he will, it’s just a chill…’
The waiter brought their starter.
Chris was sure Sam had overstated his condition intentionally. ‘I blame myself. I got a bit carried away out there exploring today, we got soaked. That probably brought it on.’
‘I can sometimes be up there with Jet for hours without realizing…’ Erica’s voice had become rather dreamy.
‘Sam and I had a good time looking at the ancient structures, and the old silver-mine workings.’
‘There’s a stained-glass window in the church showing miners in leather caps from the Middle-Ages.’
‘I must try to find time to see that before I go. The whole of this area has always fascinated me. It feels like coming home. I’m not sure if I’ll want to get back on the plane.’
Erica laughed. ‘You’re not serious?’
‘Hmm… it’s true… so anyway, back to the business... taking your find to Sam, was certainly a stroke of luck.’
‘I’m dying to know everything you’ve found out about it, for a start, what is it made of…’
‘A rare compound we call a polymorph. Silicon that’s undergone diogenesis, that’s a change in its molecular pattern.’
‘You mean like making a diamond from carbon.’
‘I’m impressed.’
‘Sam explained that to me.’
‘No wonder you’re well briefed, we’ve had the same teacher.’
‘Sam’s great,’ agreed Erica.
‘GSQ happens to be a specialism of mine, but even I have never come across such an unusual specimen before.’
‘GSQ?’ She was none the wiser.
‘Germanium Silicon Quartz.’
‘Germanium, don’t tell me, that must have originally been found in Germany, right?’
‘Spot on… actually, in a silver mine, to be precise.’
‘So, is it possible the crystal may have been formed here?’
‘That’s difficult to say. Quartz crystals are discovered along the Dorset coast all the time, but nothing like this one.’
‘Chris, your accent has a familiar ring, whereabouts are you from originally?’
‘Quite correct Miss Marple, I was born in Teignmouth.’
‘Ahh… so being here in Dorset is coming home for you. Now I also understand why you know so much about the minerals around here. So, what else have you discovered about my crystal?’
‘There is something quite amazing. The Stone has some very interesting properties. We’re looking for materials capable of producing photons in entangled states.’
Erica looked intrigued. ‘Entangled states?’ The words came out with more sensuality than she’d intended.
‘Right… two places at the same time. Einstein called nonlocality, spooky action at a distance.’
She looked puzzled. ‘I knew the Icera Stone was magic, but how can anything be in two places at the same time?’
‘How much do you know about quantum mechanics?’
‘I once remember reading something about a dead cat.’
‘Ahh…’ He smiled, ‘… Shroedinger’s Cat!’
‘That’s the one.’
‘Uncertainty Theory suggests that a quantum can both be there and not be there, at the same time.’
‘And the cat?’
‘Basically, he argued that if the quantum, could be linked to a trigger, it could kill his cat.’
‘But surely, if the quantum wasn’t there, then how could his cat be killed?’
‘Exactly, got it in one.’
She was pleased. The wine seemed to be helping her to think. ‘Well, that bit seems pretty obvious to me.’
‘But results say the reverse.’
‘What, he killed his cat?’ Erica looked serious. ‘Killing a living thing is no joke.’
‘It was a theoretical cat, but you’re right of course. However, it’s not always so easy to know where to draw the line with living things, after all, a virus is a form of life, one could argue even a computer virus.’
‘I’ve never heard of a friendly computer virus.’
‘Maybe not, but what if we could create consciousness, would you be opposed to that being switched off?’
Erica thought for a few moments. ‘You mean in a computer? It sounds like a sci-fi film. I suppose it would depend.’
‘True… after all, life could include anything from a bath sponge to Beethoven.’
‘Sometimes my mind feels that it has an awful lot more in common with a soggy sponge.’ Erica laughed. ‘But you’re surely not saying you’re close to creating life?’
‘Not life capable of reproduction, but the next step in artificial intelligence - a machine that can think for itself.’
The waiter brought the main course, and Chris refilled their glasses.
She smiled into his eyes. ‘This wine is nice. So how would you do that?’
‘A digital computer uses switches, yes and no. A quantum computer uses q-bits, they have more than two states, yes, no, and the superposition of both.’
‘You mean yes, no and maybe? It must have problems making up it’s mind.’
He smiled. ‘Events are forced to occur in quantum states just like the human brain, it uses photons too.’
Erica wondered if the wine was putting her mind into a quantum state. She latched onto the only part of her GCSE science course that seemed to relate. ‘I know what a photon is… a particle of light.’
‘Absolutely.’ Chris continued. ‘There’s an unseen force that exists throughout the universe, we suspect consciousness may be related to that.’
‘Mmm… you mean magnetism?’ She leaned towards him. Candlelight reflected in his eyes. Her mind became alive to numerous possibilities.
‘Similar…’ He was suddenly aware of how attractive she was. ‘If we can begin to understand how it works, it might be the key to the next step, to supersede the silicon chip.’
‘A bit like the stage in evolution when animals evolved souls?’ She tried to move the topic closer to her own grasp. ‘And as far as the Stone is concerned, what does it mean exactly?’
‘Erica, your Stone is very special. We need to discover if there are others in the area. I’d love you to help me.’
She felt alarmed, as she suddenly realised the implication. What about the Oakenland? Surely it might put it under threat. Yet, she did not want to ruin any budding friendship. Erica’s heart dipped. ‘Have you told your company?’
‘Not yet, there are more tests to be carried out.’
‘I see,’ said Erica thoughtfully.
‘What’s wrong? You look concerned?’
Her eyes glazed over as she stared into the reflections in her wine glass. The two candles on the dining table turned into two fires, the flames lit up the faces of Wyllow and the Hendasfolk. ‘But the Oakenland… it’s so ancient…’
‘Sam mentioned your involvement with this place, but if we don’t investigate it, someone else might get in there first.’
‘But not if you don’t tell them.’
‘You can’t keep an exciting find like this quiet, no matter how hard you try.’
‘I’m beginning to realise that.’
‘But you’re right, for the time being, it is best to keep quiet. The cat could easily get out the bag.’
‘That wouldn’t be Shroedinger’s Cat, would it?’
Chris laughed
‘You really think others could be interested if they found out?’ Erica glanced nervously around the restaurant. She felt her heart sink. Oh no, what are they doing here? She had suddenly caught sight of Simon with the young reporter, who she had seen with him at the Skimmity.
‘What’s up?’
‘Nothing,’ she said, hurriedly. She did not want Simon and that woman spoiling her evening. Hmmm… so it's that copper-haired young reporter, is it? Well, two can play at that game. ‘I’m sorry, I was distracted I thought I recognised someone.’ She tried to regain her composure. ‘It’s just the idea that the Oakenland might have diggers ploughing across it.’
Chris continued, ‘Well, I wouldn’t worry, it’s far too early to tell if there are any more deposits. So, we can forget about that for a while.’ He smiled and poured out the remaining wine into her glass. ‘We will have to tread carefully, it might be declared treasure trove… in which case, the owners of the site might have a right to it, if they get to hear about it. The land is owned by the Church isn’t it?’
She looked thoughtful. ‘But the Church wouldn't let anything happen to the Oakenland. It is part of our heritage and far too beautiful to change.’
‘As I said, we needn’t worry about it at the moment.’
The attraction between them grew stronger, and when coffee arrived Erica was feeling she did not want the evening to end. She excused herself while Chris attended to the bill. She stared into the cloakroom mirror. She found something about Christopher Credus compelling, something more than his appearance or even his mind… she felt some deep connection to his very soul. Yet she was worried about the the Oakenland. Could she demand the return of the crystal… if she did, would it mean an end to any relationship?
After a few minutes, she regained her composure, and returned to find Chris ready with her coat. She slipped it on, and the waiter ushered them to the door.
‘I hope I didn’t bore you with all that shop talk?’
‘No, not at all, quite the contrary, it made a change to be able to discuss such interesting things over the meal, it was truly fascinating.’
‘My pleasure, I assure you. You know, somehow I keep getting this strange feeling that we have met before,’ said Chris, with a twinkle in his eye.
‘Yes,’ agreed Erica, ‘it does feel a bit weird.’
It was raining. Neither had brought umbrellas and for a few seconds they stood under the canopy of the restaurant.
Erica suddenly exclaimed, ‘My husband was in there all the time.’
‘Really, why didn’t he come over?’
‘He was with another woman. I’m sorry if I seemed distracted’
‘I’m not surprised. How are you feeling now? Shall I drive you home?’
‘No Chris, I want to stay with you.’
‘Come on then, but we'll need to run to the car.’ He took off his jacket and placed it over both of their heads and took her by the hand.
The rain was gusting in their faces as they half ran down the dimly lit street. Coming out from the warm restaurant into the cool wet night air, made them gasp. Then, they started to laugh.
Despite sheltering under Chris’s jacket when they arrived at the car, they were soaked through, but they could not stop laughing. Chris opened the driver’s door of Sam’s Volvo and ushered Erica in.
‘I thought you were driving?’
‘I must have had a quantum leap back to the States,’ he joked. He looked at her body through the rain soaked dress and smiled. ‘I guess it was my turn to be distracted.’
Erica found it endearing that someone so intelligent could forget the right side for the steering wheel. She was excited too. She could detect anticipation in his voice. Erica’s senses were aroused.
She watched his eyes as he scanned her body. Erica’s low cut green dress clung to her. It had become partially see-through in the rain.
The meal and the wine, the deep ranging conversation, the shock of cold rain, and now finally Chris’s gaze, all combined in her mind. Her nipples tingled as they pushed up against the wet fabric of her dress.
‘For some reason, getting so wet just seems to be the most wonderful thing to do.’
‘The contrast from the warm dry restaurant is exhilarating.’
They sat in the car.
Erica shivered as she felt the wetness, cold against her skin.
‘Are you warm enough?’ He leant over to the back seat and retrieved a travel rug. ‘Throw this around you.’
They set off back along the dark country road. Every now and then, they had to slow down in order for Erica to give directions.
She looked out into the darkness. ‘Wait a minute you went wrong. This isn’t the way back to Membury.
‘We're not going to Membury, we're going to Witchbury. I’ve booked a room at the Green Man.’
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