be happy for me now i’m sorting things out
Posted: 05 February 2004 Word Count: 79
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Don’t panic! I won’t take their medicines. I’ll slyly palm them, Crack open the little capsules, Stockpile the contents ‘til I’ve enough to drug the guards.
No-one need worry: I won’t stop. Though reaching for the stars May not get me any closer, I’ll stretch up anyway and enjoy the exercise.
I can’t let you cry for me. I don’t deserve tears. I know I’m abnormal And there are things I’ll never have, But I think maybe I’m happy.
Comments by other Members
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Fearless at 17:07 on 05 February 2004
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I liked this - it's life (or, at least, mine). Not bad for a midget-baiting, squid-blinding writer who will pollute the youth of the nation with 'edukashun'. I identify with the last three lines. A fine piece, errrr, I mean poem.
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roovacrag at 20:17 on 05 February 2004
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Reminded me of people with learning disabilities,or people no longer wanting to live.
Stockpile enough to drug the guards,thats how they think.A sick mind is not always one that doesn't know what they are doing. We are all abnormal in some way but who will admit it.mmmmmmm ok i do.xxxxxAlice
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dr_mandrill at 01:51 on 07 February 2004
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Ta for the comments folks (er... I think, Walrus?).
This one's specially for the nay-sayers and eyebrow-raisers of this world.
I wrote it cos I bumped into an old school friend- ok, acquaintance- who treated me like some kind of subnormal freak because in the time since we knew each other I haven't landed myself a Jag and an expensively-outfitted girlfriend and a lucrative telesales/pimping job. I tried to tell him I was happy just doing my thing, but he clearly didn't believe me: how could I possibly be happy without a home cinema and gold jewellery.
So now he'll forever think I'm some poor desperate loser who just couldn't make it in the real world. Maybe he's worrying right now that I'm slitting my wrists 'cos I can't afford to book myself tanning sessions in the salon.
Unless he reads this poem. Which I doubt. But do I care? Do I f
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Sparrow_splitter at 12:42 on 07 February 2004
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I had a friend like that. Hadn't seen him in years and then when I did all he talked about was the new TV he had just bought. Then his fat girlfriend started showing me all the clothes she had bought that day, which made her look even fatter and more stupid.
Good poem though.
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Ticonderoga at 12:52 on 07 February 2004
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I love this; very simple & clear-sighted and utterly lacking in self-pity; self-affirmation and a knowing v-sign to the smug imaginationless greed-monsters of the world. Wield that nib!
Love & Mercy,
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