Towards Sterilisation
Posted: 19 January 2004 Word Count: 150 Summary: The most fantastical things in the world come from just behind your eyes.
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Would someone shoot down that Phoenix for me? Drug the Unicorn and dump her in the sea. Catch some fairies and staple their wings To various large and heavy things. Steal an airforce fighter jet, Then, missiles primed and rockets set, Head for Lappland at mach 3 And take out Santa Claus for me. I'm sure my trusty cricket bat Will break the smile of Cheshire Cat. And we can snare a lively stoat To ram right down the Banshee's throat.
But when we've caused the deaths Of all the things we can't explain, Still will lurk the Hidebehind -This creature can't be slain. Try to see him in the mirror He'll hide behind the frame But we'll feel him there behind us (That's how he got his name). So even after fantasy is gone And myth is dead, There'll still be creatures crouching In the corners of your head.
Comments by other Members
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roovacrag at 13:43 on 19 January 2004
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I loved this,just my kind of poem.Would love to knock the grin from the cheshire cat a bit too smug for me.We can all see the same the thing and interpretit in different ways. XAlice
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Fearless at 16:53 on 19 January 2004
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I have seen fantasy wildlife, inquisitive wildebeest, brown packages from Amsterdam, heard the most amazing African rhythms and felt my nerves turn into a robot's electrical highway......and that was before I started on the drugs. Another excellent lyric, write on bro'
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The Walrus at 17:37 on 19 January 2004
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Hysterically, irreverently, imaginative. Loved it. Would you mind awfully though giving the phoenix a reprieve, as I am rather fond of them.
The Walrus
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The Walrus at 17:53 on 19 January 2004
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Keep blow-torch in my handbag for this very purpose (and of course creme brulees).
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Dee at 18:03 on 19 January 2004
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You keep creme brulees in your handbag, Walrus?
Love this one. staple their wings to various large and heavy things. just cracks me up.
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Elsie at 18:20 on 19 January 2004
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I loved this, lovely rhythm, nice ideas. The 'hidebehind' for some some reason reminded me of the 'undertoad' in the Life of Garp.
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The Walrus at 18:28 on 19 January 2004
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Dee, err, no I do not keep creme brulees in my handbag, that would not only be silly, it would be very messy. However, I can see how the construction of my sentence was misleading... it is actually only the blowtorch I keep in my handbag and, if I happen to be at a dinner party where the hosts are serving aforementioned brulees for pud, and their grill has temporarily broken and their blowtorch ran out of gas, then I am happy to oblige.
I hope this clarifies the situation and apologies for the distraction from a stonkingly good poem.
The Walrus
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poemsgalore at 18:31 on 19 January 2004
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You forgot the 'frumious bandersnatch' from Jabberwocky. Never mind, we'll get him next time. This is so brilliant, loved every line - every word.
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Bobo at 10:36 on 20 January 2004
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Dr M - truly brilliant. Made me grin uncontrollably.
BoBo x
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Sparrow_splitter at 15:38 on 20 January 2004
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I think you've got something here. I've always wanted to kick the seven dwarf's to death, and Mary chuffin Poppins. And I never liked those god-damn dalmations, rat poison for them or just wait for their own genetic deficiencies to bring em down.
May a thousand adders bite your face
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dr_mandrill at 19:20 on 25 January 2004
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I'm glad and sort of a little surprised so many people liked this. I feel a bit self-conscious when I rhyme, like I should be wearing tights and strumming a lute or something. Maybe I'll invest in a rhyming dictionary and keep on with it? Who knows.
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