A Last Goodbye My Soulmate
Esther Frances
Posted: 22 June 2013 Word Count: 419 Summary: The time comes when one has to give up on their soulmate. When promises made in previous lives are not kept time after time. It is with great sadness that I choose to sever this tie but I owe it to myself and have to let my light shine brightly in the time I have left. |
I Have Cut Our Ties
And for this I must apologise
I had to let go
Cut the ties
Binding me to you
The ties between us
Were destroying me
For no soulmate is worth
That kindless sort of karma
You know not what you’ve done
Because now my love has gone
And the thought
Of enduring you
In yet another lifetime
Was just too much
For me to bear
I believe I have paid my dues
Settled my karmic debt
With the pain and suffering
I have endured
I kept my bargain
To love through thick and thin
For better, for worse
For richer, for poorer
In sickness and in health
Except for the next line
Until death us do part
Though even then I’d say
‘I loved you’
I chose to love you
I chose to stay with you
No meaningless piece of paper
No marriage certificate
No false promises
You could not know
That we were married in spirit
And had been many times
In several lifetimes before
But you have not
Kept your promises to me
Not for better, not for worse
Your constant running away
Not in sickness and in health
Your constant running away
Not for richer or for poorer
Your constant running away
You do not know who you are
No one knows
Because your ego keeps you weak
You feed from others’ weaknesses too
But it hasn’t made you strong
You are only immersed in you
In your own love thirsty needs
Your heart seemed soft
And yet it quickly froze
And from the outside
The façade of nice guy
But on the inside you are selfish
And spoiled
Refusing to take responsibility
For your own self
Not recognising your own soul
I did my very best for you
I know I did
I learned patience
Unconditional love
With few exceptions
I learned tolerance
Through the many trials
I learned forgiveness
Through the many deceits
I learned humility
When I felt completely disempowered
I learned the difference between
Material spirituality and real spirituality
And the difference between the two
I learned hope
Hope that you would
Not let me down again
In yet another lifetime
I learned to let you go
To cut the ties
I learned that I had a choice
Soulmate, or not,
Promises aside
And I have made that choice
And only hope the love I gave you
The lessons I offered
Will help you find yourself
And that you too can ask yourself
‘What did I learn?’
And for this I must apologise
I had to let go
Cut the ties
Binding me to you
The ties between us
Were destroying me
For no soulmate is worth
That kindless sort of karma
You know not what you’ve done
Because now my love has gone
And the thought
Of enduring you
In yet another lifetime
Was just too much
For me to bear
I believe I have paid my dues
Settled my karmic debt
With the pain and suffering
I have endured
I kept my bargain
To love through thick and thin
For better, for worse
For richer, for poorer
In sickness and in health
Except for the next line
Until death us do part
Though even then I’d say
‘I loved you’
I chose to love you
I chose to stay with you
No meaningless piece of paper
No marriage certificate
No false promises
You could not know
That we were married in spirit
And had been many times
In several lifetimes before
But you have not
Kept your promises to me
Not for better, not for worse
Your constant running away
Not in sickness and in health
Your constant running away
Not for richer or for poorer
Your constant running away
You do not know who you are
No one knows
Because your ego keeps you weak
You feed from others’ weaknesses too
But it hasn’t made you strong
You are only immersed in you
In your own love thirsty needs
Your heart seemed soft
And yet it quickly froze
And from the outside
The façade of nice guy
But on the inside you are selfish
And spoiled
Refusing to take responsibility
For your own self
Not recognising your own soul
I did my very best for you
I know I did
I learned patience
Unconditional love
With few exceptions
I learned tolerance
Through the many trials
I learned forgiveness
Through the many deceits
I learned humility
When I felt completely disempowered
I learned the difference between
Material spirituality and real spirituality
And the difference between the two
I learned hope
Hope that you would
Not let me down again
In yet another lifetime
I learned to let you go
To cut the ties
I learned that I had a choice
Soulmate, or not,
Promises aside
And I have made that choice
And only hope the love I gave you
The lessons I offered
Will help you find yourself
And that you too can ask yourself
‘What did I learn?’
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