Under the Red Dragon
Posted: 19 January 2004 Word Count: 299 Summary: A few years in the future... |
Like most things, it all started in the States. I would not say Wheelie Frames were fun though, not like skateboards or roller-blades, just a modern necessity.
The government knew they could not afford people getting older so they did nothing. Well, to say they did nothing it is not quite true - the Neo-Republicans actually encouraged people going for gross. Their ‘Fat is Fun’ campaign, was a huge hit. Of course, the free issue of Wheelies to all above 300 pounds helped.
Soon, half the population had them. It became a status symbol to own the latest model. Some even had custom built tandems and the really gross had special edition 4 by 4 SUW’s - the Sports Utility version, with chill compartments for the soda drinks. The specifications became more adventurous. The deluxe had on-board commodes and pop-corn and burger dispensers. They left the old style Zimmers standing.
Gradually, the side effects happened. Eczema, skin eruptions, hair loss, liver and kidney degeneration, behavioural disturbances, susceptibility to infections, sterility in males, miscarriage in females, arthritis, heart and circulatory problems. The government put it all down to eating ‘none GM’.
Some brave souls did question the logic, but the vested interests were just too great. The burger barons and the popcorn pushers had the junk food junkies hooked. They all had too much to lose.
Then, the crash came. The whole economy was built on Crapola fed cattle, it was the oil in which the Crapola corn maize popped. Crapola Cola was the only cola. GM Crapola became infected by a virus – that in turn infected the brains of everyone on the planet - all except a small remote area of Wales.
This is how it all came about, and why we now live under the Red Dragon.
The government knew they could not afford people getting older so they did nothing. Well, to say they did nothing it is not quite true - the Neo-Republicans actually encouraged people going for gross. Their ‘Fat is Fun’ campaign, was a huge hit. Of course, the free issue of Wheelies to all above 300 pounds helped.
Soon, half the population had them. It became a status symbol to own the latest model. Some even had custom built tandems and the really gross had special edition 4 by 4 SUW’s - the Sports Utility version, with chill compartments for the soda drinks. The specifications became more adventurous. The deluxe had on-board commodes and pop-corn and burger dispensers. They left the old style Zimmers standing.
Gradually, the side effects happened. Eczema, skin eruptions, hair loss, liver and kidney degeneration, behavioural disturbances, susceptibility to infections, sterility in males, miscarriage in females, arthritis, heart and circulatory problems. The government put it all down to eating ‘none GM’.
Some brave souls did question the logic, but the vested interests were just too great. The burger barons and the popcorn pushers had the junk food junkies hooked. They all had too much to lose.
Then, the crash came. The whole economy was built on Crapola fed cattle, it was the oil in which the Crapola corn maize popped. Crapola Cola was the only cola. GM Crapola became infected by a virus – that in turn infected the brains of everyone on the planet - all except a small remote area of Wales.
This is how it all came about, and why we now live under the Red Dragon.
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