Pre-History Lesson
Posted: 08 January 2004 Word Count: 99 Summary: For my little nephew, who finds it in his heart to love the unlovable T-Rex.
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Before the stars were named and numbered, Before the trees were chopped and lumbered, Thunder-Lizards stomped and thundered And craned their necks to stars and wondered.
Before the Earth was shrunk so small That aeroplanes could cross it all, Quick-Robbers, waiting, heard the call Of herds, and ran to eat them all.
Before the lamps came on at night To comfort us with orange light, Wings-And-No-Teeth took to flight And swooped and dove from mountain-height.
Before the Greeks and Trojans warred, Before the mighty steel-birds soared, The King of Tyrant-Lizards ROARED! And fought! And scratched! And bit! And clawed!
Comments by other Members
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Bobo at 16:34 on 08 January 2004
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Fantastic Dr M! I'm with your nephew on this - magnificent creatures!
BoBo x
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Account Closed at 16:43 on 08 January 2004
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Quick-Robbers, eh? Or, as some might say, fast-thieves? Or as we say in Latin "Velociraptor".
I would be proper geeky and translate the other dino-references, but I won't.
Amusingly catchy poem by the way. Has a nice pace about it.
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Fearless at 17:11 on 08 January 2004
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Simply brilliant and love the first stanza. Took me back to my childhood. Write on.
Regression Freak
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roovacrag at 17:19 on 08 January 2004
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I liked this, T Rex wasn't that bad, my grandson loves the dinosaur. A trend coming back. xxxxx Alice
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poemsgalore at 18:27 on 08 January 2004
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This sounds like the beginning of one of those children's books, with each verse set beneath a picture only you paint the picture so well, I can see them now. Aren't dinosaurs great, especially T-Rex.
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Sue H at 19:08 on 08 January 2004
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Brilliant! We love dinosaurs in our family and spend many an hour at the Natural History Museum. This poem reads well. I bet your nephew loved it. We have an illustrated children's book of dinosaur pooems and this would fit in perfectly! Too bad the T-Rex turned out to be a scavenger (we're very disappointed!).
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tinyclanger at 19:32 on 08 January 2004
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This is great and very cleverly done. It captures the savagery, but also seems rather wistful and gentle to me...
I especially like the extension of the final stanza. Superb for reading out loud to small children - and tinyclangers!
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James Anthony at 13:27 on 09 January 2004
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Superb! Agree with everyone else. Brilliant. Can imagine you stomping around reading this to your nephew!
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dr_mandrill at 12:28 on 13 January 2004
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Thanks guys- glad you liked it. Insane Bartender- glad you pointed out the cryptic latin names, just so everyone knows how clever I've been.
Sue_H- I know, a bit disappointing about T-Rex. Still, he'll always be a terrifying carnivore in my eyes.
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Sparrow_splitter at 15:26 on 20 January 2004
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I always wanted to be a stegosaurus when I was a kid, stomping around, getting in peoples face. "How ya doin Stegosaurus?"
"Not bad, found a leaf earlier."
What about that new one that's been found, super-mega-T-Rex, it was the size of the moon (Was that Gary that said that or someone else?)
I thought this poem was great by the way, could have done with a few Elaaaasmobranch's though.
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bjlangley at 15:33 on 20 January 2004
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Dinosaurs are popular in my home too. My little ones love dinosaurs, and we often visit the Dinosaur Park near Norwich. (Don't worry, they're just models.)
Anyway, I thought this was great.
All the best.
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