cotton mouth
Posted: 23 July 2012 Word Count: 939 Summary: Dark night stranded in an unfamiliar way in a familiar setting, strange happenings and more... |
Content Warning
This piece and/or subsequent comments may contain strong language.
This piece and/or subsequent comments may contain strong language.
Driving down the busiest street is different at 3 am you can time the lights and mess around with your cellphone--which has no signal in this part of the area...thank you my blood sucking cell provid.... Crap! I swerve sharp left then sharper right--a fuckin' wooden board with nails sticking up-- what the f....
I slowed my BMW crossover, turned down the prayerful Al Jarreau and realized-- I had my first flat tire. Driving 30 years and now, 3 am in front of the Cemeteries on Woodward Avenue: a flat- no-- a destroyed tire!
I got out and lifted the hatch, was only then that without my shades--(yes i wear shades at night- get over it) and tinted glass, I could see the most fantastic Aurora a pale green tint to the sky, I could see Venus and Jupiter in a stack below the Pleiedes off to the East. I turned to the west...a fresh pile of dirt heaped high in the old Jewish Cemetery--odd.
Luggage computers, boxes of files, fishing tackle a freezer of Rainbow and Brown trout and small mouth bass, a hunk of fresh killed venison-- my spare tire was hostage to at least a half hour of tedious unpacking. "Roadside assistance..that's what I pay those insurance bastards for" and my mind drifted to my essay on the need to create a national publicly owned insurance brokerage; how insurance and oil were sucking the life out of the economy... riinngg riinnnggg rinnngg " the number you have dialed is not available at this time message 00199900" oh man!-- as what the fuuuuucckk echoed off the stele raised for ".. Finkel a beloved father" [Magen David]; and "...Silverstein died in January 1950" [Menorah].
So I too turned my feet to the east, slammed the hatchdoor and
continued muttered talk
moved my ass, began to walk--
towards a distant light--
7-11 beaming in the night
The green sky worsened in color, the Sun discharged a coronal emission a few days back while i was whacking fish for breakfast by the shores; wading with my fly rod...the Earth was bombarded with high energy particles and x-rays, CME a polite way to say the Sun farted.
The Jewish Cemetery was old death, yet there was a huge fresh mound --landscaping maybe. I walked down the Avenue and it seemed the sign got no closer, hot damn August night, life without air conditioning is a biiooottch-- what the hell-- it was a kind of glow... off to my right in the Christian Cemetery-- looked like a ball, moving like a low cloud now, playing peekaboo with me around mausoleum vehicles. I stopped began to walk towards the gate-- what a country: beer & cigarettes stores, cemeteries and hospitals open 24 hours--think they are trying to tell us something. There it was again the white glow. I walked toward the mausoleum trying to keep it in sight...damn i lost it-- and "damn, i have lost my mind--what am i doing in the Cemetery at 3 am, " This is when the stupid teenagers in the horror flicks get fuc..
"Come closer" ... oh my G....
there no more than 10 feet away, a woman in white...a beautiful brown woman in a white gown.... The sound of a drum thumping, thumping in my ears, a rushing wind in my eyes i blinked and blinked for clarity, disbelief as my racing heart could be heard by the dead.
"Yes ...you, come closer"
A delicate golden skinned hand opened to me, As the green night turned to gold, a lifeless place suddenly held me in its incredible energy, a dimension opened before me- brilliant light and a feeling of embrace, from air, sound, a weightless lift of body, soothing, touching every sense-- and a beautiful woman who frightened my breath away- but no, I would not leave. I opened my hand reached to her and looked into her eyes-- I saw a vision within this moment: a deep slow river, silently flowing. My hand dipped into the peaceful dark water--and suddenly the water became white and moved up at me--flash of pink tissue and teeth and my arm was gone! Ripped away! The turgid water moved again and my left leg. AAAahh the burning, searing pain, now my groin my penis and scrotum ahhhhhhhhgghhh I heard my voice screaming in the wild wind...
I snapped myself back to the cemetery, and the golden brown beauty was gone--changed--it was a face of stone- a grotesque gargoyle next to a huge mound of fresh dirt and my feet sunken down to the ankle in clutching softening soil-- my body moved without my choice. My feet in air, legs beginning to churn-- running for my life.. leaping over grave stones racing to the gate, stumbling into a sharp right turn and still running running, lungs burning.
The store clerk jumped up with a start as I hit the door hard then opened it-- sweat and rasping breath-- he reached under the counter for a weapon- a baseball bat... "help me' breathing to recover "help me"
"You are getting the fuck out of here" his turbaned head shaking, he moved to stand as far away as he could "You crazy Fuckout -- look to your face!!" I'd felt something odd, skin burning a bit, in the panic run. Now i turned looked up in the corner mirror-- the one they use to watch teenagers stuff chips in their pockets... I see it... illuming my face--
in my mouth-- a glowing white ball
hearing a sound unlike any before my voice, my body turns to the clerk...
"you, ...come closer"
I slowed my BMW crossover, turned down the prayerful Al Jarreau and realized-- I had my first flat tire. Driving 30 years and now, 3 am in front of the Cemeteries on Woodward Avenue: a flat- no-- a destroyed tire!
I got out and lifted the hatch, was only then that without my shades--(yes i wear shades at night- get over it) and tinted glass, I could see the most fantastic Aurora a pale green tint to the sky, I could see Venus and Jupiter in a stack below the Pleiedes off to the East. I turned to the west...a fresh pile of dirt heaped high in the old Jewish Cemetery--odd.
Luggage computers, boxes of files, fishing tackle a freezer of Rainbow and Brown trout and small mouth bass, a hunk of fresh killed venison-- my spare tire was hostage to at least a half hour of tedious unpacking. "Roadside assistance..that's what I pay those insurance bastards for" and my mind drifted to my essay on the need to create a national publicly owned insurance brokerage; how insurance and oil were sucking the life out of the economy... riinngg riinnnggg rinnngg " the number you have dialed is not available at this time message 00199900" oh man!-- as what the fuuuuucckk echoed off the stele raised for ".. Finkel a beloved father" [Magen David]; and "...Silverstein died in January 1950" [Menorah].
So I too turned my feet to the east, slammed the hatchdoor and
continued muttered talk
moved my ass, began to walk--
towards a distant light--
7-11 beaming in the night
The green sky worsened in color, the Sun discharged a coronal emission a few days back while i was whacking fish for breakfast by the shores; wading with my fly rod...the Earth was bombarded with high energy particles and x-rays, CME a polite way to say the Sun farted.
The Jewish Cemetery was old death, yet there was a huge fresh mound --landscaping maybe. I walked down the Avenue and it seemed the sign got no closer, hot damn August night, life without air conditioning is a biiooottch-- what the hell-- it was a kind of glow... off to my right in the Christian Cemetery-- looked like a ball, moving like a low cloud now, playing peekaboo with me around mausoleum vehicles. I stopped began to walk towards the gate-- what a country: beer & cigarettes stores, cemeteries and hospitals open 24 hours--think they are trying to tell us something. There it was again the white glow. I walked toward the mausoleum trying to keep it in sight...damn i lost it-- and "damn, i have lost my mind--what am i doing in the Cemetery at 3 am, " This is when the stupid teenagers in the horror flicks get fuc..
"Come closer" ... oh my G....
there no more than 10 feet away, a woman in white...a beautiful brown woman in a white gown.... The sound of a drum thumping, thumping in my ears, a rushing wind in my eyes i blinked and blinked for clarity, disbelief as my racing heart could be heard by the dead.
"Yes ...you, come closer"
A delicate golden skinned hand opened to me, As the green night turned to gold, a lifeless place suddenly held me in its incredible energy, a dimension opened before me- brilliant light and a feeling of embrace, from air, sound, a weightless lift of body, soothing, touching every sense-- and a beautiful woman who frightened my breath away- but no, I would not leave. I opened my hand reached to her and looked into her eyes-- I saw a vision within this moment: a deep slow river, silently flowing. My hand dipped into the peaceful dark water--and suddenly the water became white and moved up at me--flash of pink tissue and teeth and my arm was gone! Ripped away! The turgid water moved again and my left leg. AAAahh the burning, searing pain, now my groin my penis and scrotum ahhhhhhhhgghhh I heard my voice screaming in the wild wind...
I snapped myself back to the cemetery, and the golden brown beauty was gone--changed--it was a face of stone- a grotesque gargoyle next to a huge mound of fresh dirt and my feet sunken down to the ankle in clutching softening soil-- my body moved without my choice. My feet in air, legs beginning to churn-- running for my life.. leaping over grave stones racing to the gate, stumbling into a sharp right turn and still running running, lungs burning.
The store clerk jumped up with a start as I hit the door hard then opened it-- sweat and rasping breath-- he reached under the counter for a weapon- a baseball bat... "help me' breathing to recover "help me"
"You are getting the fuck out of here" his turbaned head shaking, he moved to stand as far away as he could "You crazy Fuckout -- look to your face!!" I'd felt something odd, skin burning a bit, in the panic run. Now i turned looked up in the corner mirror-- the one they use to watch teenagers stuff chips in their pockets... I see it... illuming my face--
in my mouth-- a glowing white ball
hearing a sound unlike any before my voice, my body turns to the clerk...
"you, ...come closer"
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