Zealous Zacharia (for Roger)
Posted: 22 April 2003 Word Count: 26 Summary: A poem in response to Roger's request.
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Zanzibarian zoologist, Zacharia Zapped Zany Zadie’s Zoroastrian zeal.
Zany Zadie’s zebra, Zoltan, Zestfully zipping, Zipped Zacharia’s Zits Zapping Zanzibarian zoologist’s Zoological zest.
---Jib, London, 09.15 am, 22 Apr 2003, for Roger… the best I can do mate.
Comments by other Members
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roger at 09:51 on 22 April 2003
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You're a bloody marvel, Jib - beat that David!
Seriously Jib, you really are a smartie - did you do that in the last half hour?
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Jibunnessa at 09:51 on 22 April 2003
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Quick effort. Not as good as the other 2. But, short space of time ...and it is 'z'. Well, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it :¬)
BTW, all 3 poems were written without the aid of a dictionary.
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roger at 10:04 on 22 April 2003
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You really are a clever little sod, aren't you? Sooooo clever!
Mind you, you're not the only one to manage without a dictionary...can't get them in Derby. No point, we can't read.
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Jibunnessa at 13:30 on 22 April 2003
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Have you been speaking with my Pakistani cousins Shads?
They all insist I spell my name wrong, and kindly go out of their way to correct it for me!
Glad you like it. What did you think of the crazy copper and bearded lady one?
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Shadowgirl at 13:56 on 22 April 2003
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That's good of them then isn't it? How helpful!
Going to read the others now.
Shads xx
ps..think Roger needs pulling down a peg or two - do you agree?
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Jibunnessa at 14:23 on 22 April 2003
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One in a million, Rog. But, shhh! keep it to yourself.
Again, thanks for the kind comments.
hope you like the others too.
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roger at 14:59 on 22 April 2003
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Zipidy Zoo Za, Zipidy Za,
Zy Zo Zy, Zot Z Zeatiful Zay,
Zenty Zof Zoobirds, Zedding Zy Zay,
Zipidy Zoo Za, Zipidy Za
Does that count, Jib?
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