Sweet Dream
M. Close
Posted: 28 March 2011 Word Count: 50 Summary: Not sure it fits the challenge....it's a stretch...but you can get there :) |
Sweet Dream
long day working hard or hardly working
muscles ache, bones weary
evening beckons, sweet dream awaits
slipping into slumber, anticipating
sweet dream brings joy, laughter
playful passion, blossom's gentle fragrance
bright light of dawn, sweet dream goes
memory remains, smiles ease the day
working hard or hardly working
long day working hard or hardly working
muscles ache, bones weary
evening beckons, sweet dream awaits
slipping into slumber, anticipating
sweet dream brings joy, laughter
playful passion, blossom's gentle fragrance
bright light of dawn, sweet dream goes
memory remains, smiles ease the day
working hard or hardly working
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