Rosa Parks.
Posted: 11 December 2003 Word Count: 237 Summary: Occasionally someone comes along like Rosa. You get the impression shes a quiet woman that all of a sudden had,had enough;in this case the indignity of being asked to give up her place on a bus for a white man;her actions breaking the law and then setting the birth of civil rights movement for black rights in the USA.Christ the millitant is shown here,and I make no excuses for that .Better than the usual cloisted image!Whatever your faith (if any)I hope you,enjoy,any crititism is welcome ! |
Rosa Parks you made your mark when you were tired of the hassle.
You saw the injustice,the dam right disgrace of being treated black of the human race.
That power inside steered you fine of a realisation ,of an empowered design.
If I protest with gods will,this will be a better place.
This she did with blinded faith,so gladfully, so gladfully.
Asked to move for a white man in her place.
Don`t you move ,don`t you move,
she hears Jesus and the angels say
What surge she felt to place;
to deliver defiance on the authorities plate.
Don`t you move ,don`t you move,
she hears Jesus and the angels say.
So she was forced from that seat ,but so meek.
The deed was done arrest was swift,was cuffed up to the local nick.
Her crime was to sit down ,where a white man should.
How can this be ,when we have the same dignity in Jesus neighbourhood.
Resistance was swift,against the segregated bias system.
A year passed by ,they sacrificed quick transport for a walking price.
Harrassment and persecution came their way,to turn the other cheek for more than a year and many a day.
382 days and one Martin Luther King.
She gave a dream to a new dawning.
Segregation smashed,on to a brand new day!
The struggle was won,without the barrel of a gun.
So perfect was her love through Jesus christ through Jesus christ!
You saw the injustice,the dam right disgrace of being treated black of the human race.
That power inside steered you fine of a realisation ,of an empowered design.
If I protest with gods will,this will be a better place.
This she did with blinded faith,so gladfully, so gladfully.
Asked to move for a white man in her place.
Don`t you move ,don`t you move,
she hears Jesus and the angels say
What surge she felt to place;
to deliver defiance on the authorities plate.
Don`t you move ,don`t you move,
she hears Jesus and the angels say.
So she was forced from that seat ,but so meek.
The deed was done arrest was swift,was cuffed up to the local nick.
Her crime was to sit down ,where a white man should.
How can this be ,when we have the same dignity in Jesus neighbourhood.
Resistance was swift,against the segregated bias system.
A year passed by ,they sacrificed quick transport for a walking price.
Harrassment and persecution came their way,to turn the other cheek for more than a year and many a day.
382 days and one Martin Luther King.
She gave a dream to a new dawning.
Segregation smashed,on to a brand new day!
The struggle was won,without the barrel of a gun.
So perfect was her love through Jesus christ through Jesus christ!
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