Posted: 26 November 2003 Word Count: 87 Summary: About apprieciating being able to pull your self free mental tyrany.
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Roger has a pool of pearls, but just doesn`t get it! The glistening isn`t obvious, just charred and neglected.
Brush that jewel,dust the rust apprieciate the tool that is you. Don`t become the mule, the secret fool.
Take that crust, cast out that musk, that is like a maligned cloud, that is still there at dusk.
Come,come,give yourself,yourself. Don`t sell out to the crew , that sail the wrong tide. Until you find that stream do bide.
That to find, that bliss! For you,no longer to hide.
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Fearless at 21:19 on 27 November 2003
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I won't comment on grammar, spelling, etc, as it's not like I have any idea about that myself....
...I like the nudge in the ribs, the imagery - it reminds me of the New Orleans poet Ishmael Reed. Welcome to WriteStuff and 'write on'.
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Lawrenco at 16:34 on 29 November 2003
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Thanks for comments .I would certainly like to look up the work of Ishmeal Reed.I`ve looked at acouple of your pieces and I like your direct no nonsence style great stuff!A soulfull tonic I`m sure.see you in the written word,and I hope to post more correctly in the future.
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Fearless at 09:27 on 30 November 2003
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Ishmael Reed's novels and poetry are not so easy to get hold of in the UK. His most enduring effort was a musical group called 'Conjure' that made two albums, with noted jazz and blues musicians putting his poetry to music. I don't think it was ever transferred to CD, but you may be able to source the vinyl. The two albums were:
'Music for the texts of Ishmael Reed', c.1984
'Cab Calloway stands in for the moon', c.1988
Write on.
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Epona Love at 10:45 on 10 May 2004
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Hello... I took up the suggestion that I would like this... and I do... The idea of reclaiming yourself, valueing yourself and becoming yourself, presumably more fully in the processs... "For you, no longer to hide", for you to shine.
I could probably discuss endlessly the ins and outs of depression, the journey back to the light, and the importance of self-acceptance and the apprieciation of life etc. I find it fascinating... The mind etc. but I won't go on...
Thankyou for the suggestion, it is a wonderful image, pearls of wisdom.
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Lawrenco at 21:05 on 10 May 2004
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Thanks EMMA it`s really nice that poems somehow coinside and that you got something from it thats what makes it all what it`s all about:The soulful extended family ,there sometimes less trouble than your actual immediate family? were all family!I am glad you got something out of it sis.Take care.
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