The Streak
M. Close
Posted: 11 November 2009 Word Count: 209 Summary: Started as a challenge piece but I missed the deadline and the theme was a bit off the mark as well. So just a bit of fun is all. Hope it makes you smile. |
The Streak
O’re the meadow naked, running, in the warmth my body sunning,
I ran with freedom never felt before.
There behind me, two teams chasing, out in front I kept on racing,
racing for the tunnel and the door.
In the stands, fans loudly cheering, men and women both were leering,
hoping for a spectacle of gore.
How I prayed no trip or stumble would cause me to slow or tumble,
for still they chased and close upon me bore.
Drunk was I, ‘midst jeers and laughter, realizing slowly after
leaving,what the morrow had in store,
when my mates stood, unbelieving, as I shucked my clothes then, leaving
to win the bet I’d made the night before.
All my limbs were wildly pumping, ‘gainst my legs my parts were thumping.
Now I knew the true meaning of sore!
Cursing drink I made the tunnel, at the end like one long funnel,
I ran for daylight and the open door.
Through the door I finally made it, and the bet, my friends, they paid it,
heading off for drinks and girls galore!!
“Come on mate, we double dare you, have one more it will prepare you
for the next big thing we have in store!”
Quoth the Streaker, “Nevermore!”
O’re the meadow naked, running, in the warmth my body sunning,
I ran with freedom never felt before.
There behind me, two teams chasing, out in front I kept on racing,
racing for the tunnel and the door.
In the stands, fans loudly cheering, men and women both were leering,
hoping for a spectacle of gore.
How I prayed no trip or stumble would cause me to slow or tumble,
for still they chased and close upon me bore.
Drunk was I, ‘midst jeers and laughter, realizing slowly after
leaving,what the morrow had in store,
when my mates stood, unbelieving, as I shucked my clothes then, leaving
to win the bet I’d made the night before.
All my limbs were wildly pumping, ‘gainst my legs my parts were thumping.
Now I knew the true meaning of sore!
Cursing drink I made the tunnel, at the end like one long funnel,
I ran for daylight and the open door.
Through the door I finally made it, and the bet, my friends, they paid it,
heading off for drinks and girls galore!!
“Come on mate, we double dare you, have one more it will prepare you
for the next big thing we have in store!”
Quoth the Streaker, “Nevermore!”
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