The Generic Brands
M. Close
Posted: 29 October 2009 Word Count: 218 Summary: For the week 64 challenge |
You must visit the Chemist, Stagnatius Reek, at his shop,
so say the instructions, to get the proper result.
But maybe I have some in stock, and generic brands are just as good,
right? Let’s see what we need….
Eye of newt, a frog, a toad. These I have right here.
Wing of a bat with something disgusting
rolled up in that, along with the tail of a rat,
and some blood, dried blood from a chicken.
Dribbles of snot from an old geezer’s nose,
some of the jam from in between toes,
the trail of a snail and three fleas from a camel,
yes, all that is here, these will do I suppose.
We need powder ground from murderer’s bones but,
bones are just bones and ground down they make powder.
I’ll just use these, what does it matter?
And now, for the last ingredient….
Two drops of pure vanilla extract.
The explosion was loud, I woke startled and blurry
my clothes singed and shredded, the workshop in tatters.
The potion, still steaming, clung to the ceiling and
dribbled down the walls.
You must visit the Chemist, Stagnatius Reek, at his shop,
so say the instructions. Pay attention.
The generic brands are not the same. Who knew?
What a sticky, smelly mess to clean.
so say the instructions, to get the proper result.
But maybe I have some in stock, and generic brands are just as good,
right? Let’s see what we need….
Eye of newt, a frog, a toad. These I have right here.
Wing of a bat with something disgusting
rolled up in that, along with the tail of a rat,
and some blood, dried blood from a chicken.
Dribbles of snot from an old geezer’s nose,
some of the jam from in between toes,
the trail of a snail and three fleas from a camel,
yes, all that is here, these will do I suppose.
We need powder ground from murderer’s bones but,
bones are just bones and ground down they make powder.
I’ll just use these, what does it matter?
And now, for the last ingredient….
Two drops of pure vanilla extract.
The explosion was loud, I woke startled and blurry
my clothes singed and shredded, the workshop in tatters.
The potion, still steaming, clung to the ceiling and
dribbled down the walls.
You must visit the Chemist, Stagnatius Reek, at his shop,
so say the instructions. Pay attention.
The generic brands are not the same. Who knew?
What a sticky, smelly mess to clean.
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