Abysmal Christmas
Posted: 21 November 2008 Word Count: 94 Summary: Very much a flash, produced this morning. A rant - best if ranted! |
Season of phoney sentiment:
families flock together whatever
the weather or whether or not old grudges are spent.
Not mine. I'm banished - me and my brood -
despite offers of food and booze. We shouldn't
have complained about
commodification or
aunty's teary sentimentality
at Noel's House party
or have insisted on breastfeeding
infants whenever they were needing!
No matter it's Christmas -
the grandfolks were embarrassed.
So this Advent, dysfunctional cuz,
our days will be spent
kicking up our own special buzz
not thinking of you and the stramash
of your abysmal Christmas.
families flock together whatever
the weather or whether or not old grudges are spent.
Not mine. I'm banished - me and my brood -
despite offers of food and booze. We shouldn't
have complained about
commodification or
aunty's teary sentimentality
at Noel's House party
or have insisted on breastfeeding
infants whenever they were needing!
No matter it's Christmas -
the grandfolks were embarrassed.
So this Advent, dysfunctional cuz,
our days will be spent
kicking up our own special buzz
not thinking of you and the stramash
of your abysmal Christmas.
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