(Reflections on) Winter’s Soul
Posted: 25 September 2008 Word Count: 155 Summary: Another poem. |
(Reflections on) Winter’s Soul:
Cast in a crucible of icy fury,
the fair seasons’ cruel sibling,
released now from their shackles
to bring war upon the earth
once more...
Winter’s soul ravages
our shivering lands,
unleashing her arsenal;
icicle fingers
stabbing through
the pulsing heart of life,
baleful winds, frigid,
searing the flesh
from the bones of creation...
Winter’s tormented soul
suspended forever in the
cycle of eternity;
escape and recapture.
shrugging off the crumbled chains
of Autumn
to run amok,
only to be snared again
in the subtle coils of
Poor Winter...
Her true soul revealed
in the flutter of a robin's heart,
in hardy berry and dormant seed,
and in the glowing cheeks of children.
Her weapon becomes a playful thing;
snowballs and laughter
bring joy into a bitter-white world,
until again her wretched howl...
A frozen snap;
the lambent ember
at the core
of Winter's soul.
Cast in a crucible of icy fury,
the fair seasons’ cruel sibling,
released now from their shackles
to bring war upon the earth
once more...
Winter’s soul ravages
our shivering lands,
unleashing her arsenal;
icicle fingers
stabbing through
the pulsing heart of life,
baleful winds, frigid,
searing the flesh
from the bones of creation...
Winter’s tormented soul
suspended forever in the
cycle of eternity;
escape and recapture.
shrugging off the crumbled chains
of Autumn
to run amok,
only to be snared again
in the subtle coils of
Poor Winter...
Her true soul revealed
in the flutter of a robin's heart,
in hardy berry and dormant seed,
and in the glowing cheeks of children.
Her weapon becomes a playful thing;
snowballs and laughter
bring joy into a bitter-white world,
until again her wretched howl...
A frozen snap;
the lambent ember
at the core
of Winter's soul.
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