Posted: 23 October 2003 Word Count: 87 Summary: A work in progress... put on the site as a companion to peterxbrown's poem on teaching. |
His battered old desk is a pulpit
From which his shabby sermons are spoken,
To a congregation of culprits
Who think that rules are meant to be broken.
They rarely listen to him these days,
But then he rarely delivers with any zest.
A monotone murmur of poems and plays;
Below their noise and above their heads.
A bother of dust; he creaks and groans,
The lessons he loved lost in history,
And through his beard nest he quietly bemoans
How extinction crept up on him quickly.
From which his shabby sermons are spoken,
To a congregation of culprits
Who think that rules are meant to be broken.
They rarely listen to him these days,
But then he rarely delivers with any zest.
A monotone murmur of poems and plays;
Below their noise and above their heads.
A bother of dust; he creaks and groans,
The lessons he loved lost in history,
And through his beard nest he quietly bemoans
How extinction crept up on him quickly.
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