From me to me
Posted: 14 October 2003 Word Count: 135
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I never used to like me I thought that I was bad until the Doctor told me I wasnt bad, just mad! Cold comfort in his words is that supposed to ease the pain and guilt and horror that all bipolars feel? At last I understand the mess that is my head a chemically imbalanced illness to fill a heart with dread. So from me to me I write this it isnt just for you but to every person out there this message still rings true. Youve got to learn to love yourself to give your self a break to try and start each fresh new day a smile upon your face. For only then with head held high and sprightly spring of step will life embrace life lovers with her warm sweet living breath.
Comments by other Members
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olebut at 17:45 on 14 October 2003
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how beautiful your words and so true most of them surely apply to all of us ?
good to see you writing again and posting
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Ellenna at 18:57 on 14 October 2003
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Lovely poem again Pene..with truth punching a right hook at the end lol
keep smiling!
Ellie :)
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Account Closed at 12:31 on 15 October 2003
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Nicely crafted piece.
Punctuation comment: "wasnt" should be "wasn't", in line 2; ditto "isnt" in line 7.
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peterxbrown at 00:09 on 16 October 2003
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WOW! You have understated your own difficulties in a matter of fact language which heightens the intensity of the poem.The exchange with the Dr. is darkly hilarious and ironic! The message you give is positive and brave and I for one will try to live up to your admirable example. Love and respect as always pene. XX peterb
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Ticonderoga at 19:27 on 16 October 2003
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Wonderful; simple, potent, and deeply affecting. It may be from you to you, but it speaks with singing eloquence to every one. Anent punctuation, Bernard Shaw argued, a century ago, that in words such as wasnt and isnt, the apostrophe is redundant since everybody knows what the elision represents. Cant is clear in context and dont presents no problem at all........I'm on Shaw's side and it seems you are too!
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Account Closed at 20:33 on 16 October 2003
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Well, Mike, capital letters at the beginning of sentences are redundant. shall we take that step? or is that taking Shaw too far?
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Ticonderoga at 14:27 on 17 October 2003
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Well........I think the only criterion that matters is clarity; loss of caps would make a page more difficult to read. But, among the good ones, there are many silly/redundant/misapplied rules governing the 'correct' use of English. The split infinitive nonsense is a particular pet hate of mine. Blah, blah....
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Noodles at 12:34 on 19 October 2003
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This should be on the wall of every hospital, every relevant unit, every doctor's surgery - (and in capital letters inside their offices)and maybe every school...
Thank you
Love and best wishes
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pene at 18:59 on 03 November 2003
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thank you to all of you have commented
best wishes Pene
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