Amitriptaline city
Posted: 14 October 2003 Word Count: 225 Summary: my interpritation of a medication I took a few years ago, thankfully I dont anymore!!!! |
Amitriptaline city where the girls are so pretty
and the boys are all macho or gay.
Where day turns to night and all of your sight
is grey, black or white,
and you dont want to fight, you feel safe with your life
until the next day.
Amitriptaline city where your mouths all sticky
and your tounges as dry as a bone.
Where your heads a shed and you wanna stay inbed,
at least until the cows come home.
You dont want to talk, you can barely even walk,
maybe cos you got no brain?
Amitriptaline city where life is pretty shitty
where your ego comes gift wrapped in self pity,
where your never quite sure if you walked this path before,
where your memory evades you and you hope you aint stir crazy!
When you long to heal the pain seems things remain much the same.
So those prescribed yellow pills that doctor says will ease your ills,
are a government promotion
some white collar implemented commotion
to control and to contain all those who suffer in the brain.
My advice to those who want it, listen up and I will tell,
Amitriptaline city is more like patronising pity,
an ordered prescribed solution with satan in collusion?
A veritable oppression, a 24/7 365 day life lesson,
an all consuming, stupor like inducing Amitriptaline hell!
and the boys are all macho or gay.
Where day turns to night and all of your sight
is grey, black or white,
and you dont want to fight, you feel safe with your life
until the next day.
Amitriptaline city where your mouths all sticky
and your tounges as dry as a bone.
Where your heads a shed and you wanna stay inbed,
at least until the cows come home.
You dont want to talk, you can barely even walk,
maybe cos you got no brain?
Amitriptaline city where life is pretty shitty
where your ego comes gift wrapped in self pity,
where your never quite sure if you walked this path before,
where your memory evades you and you hope you aint stir crazy!
When you long to heal the pain seems things remain much the same.
So those prescribed yellow pills that doctor says will ease your ills,
are a government promotion
some white collar implemented commotion
to control and to contain all those who suffer in the brain.
My advice to those who want it, listen up and I will tell,
Amitriptaline city is more like patronising pity,
an ordered prescribed solution with satan in collusion?
A veritable oppression, a 24/7 365 day life lesson,
an all consuming, stupor like inducing Amitriptaline hell!
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